Freewash007 is Single in Houston, Texas


Who's ready for adventure?

Male | 58
United States
Last Login Date
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Freewash007 is Single in Houston, Texas, 1 Freewash007 is Single in Houston, Texas, 2 Freewash007 is Single in Houston, Texas, 3 Freewash007 is Single in Houston, Texas, 4 Freewash007 is Single in Houston, Texas, 5 Freewash007 is Single in Houston, Texas, 6
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Christian Reformed
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
I like to play tennis, golf, lift, bike, hike shoot pool, swim and go comedy bowling. Really BIG into crypto; XRP, SOL, LINK and others. Mostly would enjoy finding you!
About Me
I'm looking for a special woman with an amazing heart; a genuine good, kind and loving heart. Are you such a woman? If you are, you would be a rare flower in a field of weeds. Let's be honest, dating sites are filled with weeds. In other words, many are scam artists.

Retired TV anchor 20+yrs. Living in Houston but happy to relocate. I know long distance is not ideal but with God, FaceTime and travel, in time it can work.

Buying beachfront property to relocate retirement; Spain, Italy, Mexico. Using my TV experience to make travel videos. Need a co-anchor. Care to join me?

I'm looking for a woman who wants to be honored and adored. I'm searching for a woman who loves to be romanced and appreciates a man who is sincere and genuine. Do you want to be romanced? Not in a silly, nonsense, childish kind of way but in ways true gentlemen understand and women appreciate?

I'm also looking for a woman who understands the importance of putting God first, who loves attending church, who has friends who respect her faith and who walks boldly in the Spirit; not as the world would want her to be but as God calls her to be. If you don't understand, we're not a match. If you do, it's a great start.

Another great start is correcting my age. It’s 66, not 57. Photos are recent. Everyone in my family looks much younger than their age. Blessed with good genes.

I have a joyful spirit and a keen sense of humor. My personality is joyful. I hope yours is too. Consider this, we don't have much more time to enjoy this life. Why waste it complaining and focusing on petty problems? Let's smile and focus on the simple pleasures of life; like a warm hug on a cold night, snuggling up in front of a movie or warm fire, boating, a great BBQ with friends and family.

First Date
Our meet and greet can be early morning coffee or a late night drink. Attending church works too.
First date in the cooler weather of autumn would be a carnival, zoo or walk around a park. How about stargazing at an observatory?
Account Settings (To message Freewash007 you must meet the following criteria.)

Any Age.
Must not Smoke.

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