MNangel is Single in Forest Lake MN, Minnesota


Loves to SING!!! and plays guitar and piano

Female | 64
United States
Forest Lake MN
Last Login Date
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MNangel is Single in Forest Lake MN, Minnesota, 1 MNangel is Single in Forest Lake MN, Minnesota, 2
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
River Crest
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Assembly of God
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but not living at home
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
nanny pca
Singing, Guitar Piano writing music hiking shopping traveling swimming
About Me
Please no one from out of state or country! thank you unless GOD Leads and your willing to transfer here. Also would like someone to share music in common with me as it is the heart of what I love to do:<)

I am a fun loving woman who is very passionate about God and want to find someone who also is very passionate about God too! I am on the worship team at my church. The desire of my heart would be a music worship leader singer musician or pastor evangelist. But I am open to what GOD wants for my life!:) I love to sing and write worship music and love all kinds of music! I am fun and love to laugh so please have a sense of humor!:<)) I am sweet kind and gentle and I want to be with someone who is a strong Christian man:<)

I also have led bible studies. I would want to get to know you and find out where you stand politically as well. I am a strong conservative. I am praying God will connect me with the right man for my life! I'm ready to find you! Ive been divorced 9 years now and I don't want to spend the rest of my life alone:( I am very young looking for my age and want someone younger or who is also a young looker and thinker!:<)! I love to wear hats and fun outfits:<) I also like to go on hikes and work at staying in good shape:<)

Please don't be shy and message me! we ALL need friends in this world! and you never know what can happen when you let GOD direct your life!! :<) YOU may be the one GOD has chosen for me! Also I'm looking for only a friend first and see where God leads it! but my goal is to get married when I know its the right one!! :<)
First Date
Meet at a nice coffee shop or quiet restaurant and just chat about things and see what we share in common. What we both like and dislike and what we are both looking for and see if we connect...? I am ready to find the man GOD has for me no fly by nights and no players liars or deceivers..
Account Settings (To message MNangel you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 45 to 65.
Must not Smoke.

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