PatrickLauser is Single in Arkoma, Oklahoma


God's Word above the English speaking "Christian" culture, past and present

Male | 31
United States
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PatrickLauser is Single in Arkoma, Oklahoma, 1 PatrickLauser is Single in Arkoma, Oklahoma, 2 PatrickLauser is Single in Arkoma, Oklahoma, 3 PatrickLauser is Single in Arkoma, Oklahoma, 4 PatrickLauser is Single in Arkoma, Oklahoma, 5 PatrickLauser is Single in Arkoma, Oklahoma, 6 PatrickLauser is Single in Arkoma, Oklahoma, 7
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Writing a statement of faith
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Various churches
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
A fellowship called Of Our Maker (OOM)
God, Bible, Scripture, Writing, Books, Creationism, Drawing, Smiling, Creation science, Art, Pro-life, Language, Polygyny, Linguistics, Pro-gun, Bible Translation, Conlanging, Theology, Activism, Hebrew, Esperanto, Computer game making, Fiction, Sign Lang
About Me
Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. - Song of Songs

(By the way, if you don't get a reply to a message, it might be delayed because of the new message limit.)

I believe (like King David, Father Abraham, etc.) that it is not wrong to marry more than one wife, so if you hate people who do not condemn multiple wives, add me to the list (along with King David, Abraham, etc.). :)

I am second oldest of 8 children, love and write Fantasy, love Tolkien's works, but chiefly I love the strange, surreal, eerie, and odd.

A thought: there is a vast world beyond the borders of the English-speaking culture (a culture which is primarily an arrogant, young, Roman/Germanic pagan soup, if you think about it). I believe God has granted reason to every man and the responsibility to use it; but if someone encountered me in the "wisdom" of Rome (you know), he would find in me a barbarian to pity and despise: a meat-eating, sword-waving, pro-polygynist with a beard.

Have fun!

By the way, if you favourite me or send me a wink, and I don't respond, it may be because I am outside of the age range you have selected for contacts, in which case the site does not allow me to favourite, message, or wink back (this has happened a few times).

Further information:

If you are curious, when I look at profiles here the main things I look at are wanting children ("Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward."), no drinking and no smoking of course, and not being divorced ("whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery."). Things I find attractive are interest in discussion, conviction, cheerfulness, and not being crazy with makeup (take off the masks!).

As to covering a woman's nakedness, the basic standard would be to cover the whole chest, loins, and thighs. This is not because uncovering is sexually attractive, as if that's a bad thing (women are meant to be so), but because Leviticus 18 makes it clear that baring a woman to a man is itself part of the sexual act, thus only for a husband. Just as "do not hurt someone" forbids killing them, and of course also forbids hurting them, "do not uncover someone" forbids everything else, and of course forbids uncovering. There are of course different degrees of being uncovered.

I am definitely open to questions and discussion; message me about whatever you like! I'm not likely to bite, but I might talk your ear off! I can wax verbose on certain things. However, when it comes to initiation and confrontation I am slow, but I am working on that!

The seventh day of the week (Romanly called Saturday) is the day God sanctified for rest, and is the true weekly holy day for all Christianity. It was sanctified before circumcision, and so is holy both for uncircumcised and circumcised believers (though circumcised believers have greater responsibility to keep it, because, already being a day of rest, it was made a symbol of God's covenant with the circumcised when he delivered them from toil in Egypt).

I am pro home birth and true, natural medicine. I find it strange that false medicine is sometimes referred to as "traditional" or "orthodox" and the truly traditional medicine is called "alternative".

I am pro home education, but more against government schooling. No school that is funded (and often provided with students) by threat of force should be supported. Also - with due regard to extenuating circumstances - it is sinful in principle to send a child where you know they will be taught dangerous lies.

I am not a flat-earther. Flat-earthism is an attempt of the enemy to make Christianity and love for freedom look like a rejection of reason.

Rather than the man-made idea of "once saved always saved" I believe the Bible which says:
"When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby.
But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby." - Ezekiel 33
A person is born in innocence, and is washed in the mercy of God - if they willingly indulge the sin of their heart, this is not washed - if they repent and return to the innocence of childhood, the sin of their heart and past is washed.
"Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Mt 18

Nearly all modern translations of Scripture into English are based on corrupted texts, and should not be used. The Ben Hayyim line Masoretic text of the Hebrew / Aramaic Scriptures, and the Textus Receptus text of the Greek Scriptures, are perfect and perfectly preserved, so that at every point in time since they were first given they can be perfectly translated with full assurance of the authority of God's Word. The KJV is sadly not a perfect translation, because the translators rejected the doctrine of full preservation and cast doubt on the original texts in some of their marginal notes. These notes are rarely included in modern copies, though they are necessary to access what accuracy the KJV does have.

Angels have beards.

I am INTP; of course, one can't base whether a relationship can be fruitful on this, but the information can help relationships be fruitful.

My Favourite Things:

Scripture, not just because it is perfect (if that makes sense), but because it is also the greatest work of art.
Beowulf, The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings, Watership Down, The Place of the Lion, The Travels of Marco-Polo. I like the Harry Potter books and films, so if that's an issue we can have a chat about the theological ins and outs perhaps.
Rope by Alfred Hitchcock, The Miracle Worker, The Fiddler on the Roof, Willy Wonka, We Were Soldiers, Arsenic and Old Lace, It's a Wonderful Life, The Blob 1958, Chicken Run, The Great Escape.
I like I Spy books. Kendrick films are fun. Marvel movies are fun (we use the Lightworks video editor to edit out foul language and indecency). I like Adventures in Odyssey and Sue Thomas: F.B.EYE, and the first seasons of Thomas the Tank Engine.
I have a respect for Pixar because they make their own stories instead of parasitising, parodying, and adulterating the works of great authors. My favourite Pixar films are Wall-E, Up, and Inside Out.
First Date
Talk, maybe discuss a book or watch a movie and discuss that. I hope a lot of basic issues will have been sorted through before a first meeting, but there will probably be discussion on those lines. There are so many unexpected misdoctrines abroad that you can hardly think you know what anyone believes on a certain point by looking at their other beliefs.

I probably see other cultures through rose tinted glasses because the English speaking culture is so fundamentally wrong from its beginning to the present day. Probably worst of all is that it claims to be a Christian culture; but then many other cultures which admit their own cultures are not Christian still see English speaking and European culture to be Christian, which is very sad.
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