Twilightangel201028 is Single in Bowmanville, Ontario


Seeeking someone special !

Female | 41
Last Login Date
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Twilightangel201028 is Single in Bowmanville, Ontario, 1 Twilightangel201028 is Single in Bowmanville, Ontario, 2 Twilightangel201028 is Single in Bowmanville, Ontario, 3 Twilightangel201028 is Single in Bowmanville, Ontario, 4 Twilightangel201028 is Single in Bowmanville, Ontario, 5 Twilightangel201028 is Single in Bowmanville, Ontario, 6 Twilightangel201028 is Single in Bowmanville, Ontario, 7 Twilightangel201028 is Single in Bowmanville, Ontario, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
No answer
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some School
My Profession
Will tell you later !
family, friends, dogs, cats, horses, rabbits,bowling,pool,mini putt, festivals, antique cars walking,cooking, movies, music, dancing, arts and crafts, herbal medicines, holistic and organic nutrition for humans and pets, romance
About Me
Hello there I would like to tell you somethings about me so let's get realistic and see where this goes. I'm 41 single female, I have no kids,Im a nonsmoker and Im not into drugs. Enjoy spending time with family,friends and my pets as I have 2 cats that are a very special part of my life.

There is alot of things I like to do like playing pool, bowling, going for long walks, riding my bike,dancing, going for walks along the beach and watching the sunset. There is times I like to just sit at home and watch movies or maybe go to the cinemas to watch a movie, I also like going to horse shows, dog shows, festivals, carnivals,etc.

Preferably Im interested in meeting a serious nice single male 35-45 with no kids. Must be a nonsmoker and not into drugs. My biggest turn on when looking for a nice man is someone who is honest,faithful,loving ,caring,fun and easy to get along with.

Hoping to meet someone with similar interests as chemistry and physical attraction are very important to me as it should be on both sides. Im also looking to meet someone special for a serious comitted relationship however there is no rush so lets start off getting to know each as friends, maybe go out on a few dates and hopfully something good will come out of it all.

My music interests are country, rock, pop, oldies like Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, that is just to mention a few,there is alot of other kinds of music I like as well. If your serious and interested in getting to know more about me just send me a message and I will get back to you.
First Date
Dinner and a movie ,romantic walk along the beach,etc.
Account Settings (To message Twilightangel201028 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 41 to 53.
Must not Smoke.
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