SingleFather4You is Single in Murfreesboro, Tennessee


are you my person? am i yours???

Male | 50
United States
Last Login Date
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SingleFather4You is Single in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 1 SingleFather4You is Single in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 2 SingleFather4You is Single in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 3 SingleFather4You is Single in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 4 SingleFather4You is Single in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 5 SingleFather4You is Single in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 6 SingleFather4You is Single in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 7 SingleFather4You is Single in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Big Guy
Hair Color
Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
The Experience
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Specialty/Trade School
My Profession
First A Daddy then A Computer Technician
God,family,friends,music,coffee,life,love,nature,traveling cooking, computers, kissing in the rain,a good movie,cuddling simple stuff ,sitting beside my better half under a tree on a moonlit start night cool breeze in the air very peaceful and serene
About Me
looking for a fresh start with you!!! I'd think I'm a pretty good guy I love God, i love life, my family my friend (who are also my family!!! I love coffee, I have no criminal background I don't do drugs drink or use nicotine products I'm a full time father 24/7/365 my son is an amazing kid 15 years old I'm very blessed were a package deal hos mother isn't in the picture she hasn't been since he was 20 months old my life is simple but not easy no drama here no ex drama no legal issues just a simple laid back life i do have some medical issues i'll just put that out there because some people have issues with that which is cool i get it totally as it can be scary for some but it doesn't prevent me from living life i have very few limits behind it i am a recovering drug addict/alcoholic don't let that scare you i've been clean since August 1st 2001 divorced since may 2012

its a lot to absorb but i put all my cards on the table so nobody feels like they wasted their time i'm a far cry from perfect nor am i the best looking guy around but i know i'm good lookin my confidence is pretty high but im not stuck on myself either i'm that guy that will love you forever if you let me!!! as i said i'm not perfect but i am a limited edition and regaurdless of weather we get together or not i'm a solid friend to have if nothing else i've been here for a good number of years i know many people but hang out with few so lookin to meet people to hang out with maybe develop a solid forever relationship with
First Date
first date hmmmmmmm maybe coffee and a nice walk through the greenway , dinner and a movie a goode concert maybe get a blanket out find a nice tree on a moon lit stary night to lay under gaze at the stars talk get to know one another who knows maybe make out like teenagers lol i'm old not dead love to have fun yes i'm 48 but feel like i'm 20 whose up for a snowball fight?? (as if we get so much of it in middle tennessee lol) if you love life , love the outdoors or a good movie and a couch to cuddle on that works to i'm a pretty laid back fun loving outgoing guy
Account Settings (To message SingleFather4You you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 30 to 60.
Must not Smoke.

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