AnthonyW323 is Single in Pennsville, New Jersey, 1


Easy to be entreated

Male | 40
United States
New Jersey
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Light House
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No answer
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Possibly, who knows
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My Profession
Doing God’s will, purposefully.
About Me
Generally, easy going. Don’t believe in unnecessary restrictions. As long something’s not wrong in God’s sight, then it’s not wrong in mine.

Just Christian; striving each day to be more like Christ, and to be more useful to his people.


After being on here awhile, as a kindness, I think it best to state that I will not be interested if:

First and foremost; if you have yet to receive the baptism of the holyghost/holyspirit, we can be friends, but that’s it.

If you are a sugar momma looking for a sugar baby. I’m financially secure, and have no interest in being a gigolo. Please keep it moving. Thank you

If you’re looking for some one nice that you can have causal hookups with; then see where it goes from there, I’m not that guy. No, I’m not expecting most people to be virgins; life happens and it is purity in spirit which God requires. But I am expecting you to be at a point in your walk with Christ where you are serious about abstaining from wickedness.

If you are not loving of truth, and willing to hear it no matter what.

If you’re not a kind and generous person who knows and understands that the single commandment of Christ is to love and care for ones fellow man.

If you are the pastor or preacher at your church -because it’s contrary to bible. A man has the duty of watching for the soul of his wife, and ensuring her well being even at the expense of his own life. I take my duties from the Lord seriously and have no desire to waste my life with some one I can’t spend eternity with too. I know you desire a good work, and I empathize, but one must strive lawfully for the crown. So unless you’re interested in bringing yourselves into subjection to God’s rule, I’m not interested in spending my life with you in vain. Paul said that in the body of Christ there is neither male nor female, and it is true. And yet again, (though it is no commandment) Paul recommended that unless a woman wore her hair short like a mans(or even bald), that she ought to cover it when praying or prophesying. This was because most of society at the time taught women that they were less, but Paul wanted them to practice the covering of their femininity when operating in the spirit as a self reminder of their equality before God. In this flesh we have limitations and obligations; and we must each of us as servants be faithful to the duties that are given to us in this life. There is no point in doing good works, only to be a castaway oneself. It’s not God’s way. To think that God has ever called one to continue in error, is to not believe in him. For his desire for salvation is to all, and he would never sacrifice any of his precious ones as such. The only precious sacrifice he was willing to make, he made when he sacrificed himself. And it is sufficient for all; and we’d do well to have faith and remember that.

“But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭9:27‬ ‭KJV‬‬

All for now. If you made it past the list, feel free to wink or message me. I’€™m sensitive, caring, harmless and easy going -but open, honest and straight to the point as well. I’€™m serious about my walk in Christ and only desire to partner with someone else who is serious about making it; and helping others to do so also.

As long as you weren’t offended by any of this; God knows, you might really be the one for me. May God bless and keep us.
First Date
I’m a simple guy, I’d want it to be something enjoyable that we both can agree on. As long as I enjoy the company, I’m up for anything -except perhaps skydiving.
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Any Age.
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