TheBlueKnight is Single in Deer Park, Texas


Christian. Conservative. Old-fashioned. Unvaxxed. Looking for someone with those same qualities.

Male | 55
United States
Deer Park
Last Login Date
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TheBlueKnight is Single in Deer Park, Texas, 1
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Looking For
Church Name
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Karaoke, fantasy fiction (LOTR/Narnia), science fiction (Star Wars/Trek), reading, writing, history, science, movies, dad jokes, board & card games, nerdy stuff, MUSIC, dancing, traveling, outdoors, Bible study, conspiracy theories, good conversation.
About Me
Honest, sincere, faithful, down to Earth. You can't learn everything there is to know about me from a profile. Getting to know someone takes time & effort. I'm "old school." I reject this modern world with its modern "anything goes" philosophy. I believe firmly in the "old-fashioned" values of God, country & family. I'm looking 4 someone with those same values. I'm looking 4 someone who would rather spend time at home with me rather than running around drinking & "partying." I'm looking 4 someone who appreciates peace & quiet evenings at home together. I enjoy the simple things in life. If that sounds "boring" to you, then you're not the one I'm looking 4.
I'm an open book. Feel free to ask me anything and I will answer. There should be no secrets in a serious relationship. Honesty is the best policy.
I don't date just for the sake of dating. I'm seeking to forge a friendship that leads, ultimately, to marriage. If that is not your goal as well, then keep scrolling, please.
I'm looking for an honest, faithful, sincere, humble, feminine, kind & gentle lady who loves Jesus (and me) & believes firmly in the concept of a biblical marriage. Someone patient & kind that I can talk to about anything without judgement. If that sounds like you, then I will be your knight in shining armor.
[HOPELESS ROMANTIC ALERT]: I'm a hopeless romantic. So, if you become my lady, expect poetry, singing, dancing, gifts, thoughtful messages at random times and other silly, romantic stuff.
[IMPORTANT: I am unvaxxed & I will only consider someone who is also unvaxxed. If you have gotten the ¢0vid mRNA "va¢¢ine," then, please, do NOT bother sending me any messages. Thank you for understanding.]
[NOTICE: If your profile has no photo or if your profile portrait is a meme, animal, landscape, cartoon or something else that is obviously fake & not your real face then I will not respond to your messages (or if you're wearing a mask in your photo). Proof of your honesty & transparency begins with your profile portrait.]
[WARNING: Do NOT ask me for money!!!]
Thank you for taking the time to read my entire profile. I ask u 2 pray over my profile & if you feel that God has placed it in your heart 2 contact me, then maybe He has some divine purpose 4 bringing us together (whatever that may be)? God's will be done.
First Date
Depends. Being spontaneous is more fun.
Account Settings (To message TheBlueKnight you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 30 to 50.
Must not Smoke.
Appears on 13 members favorites lists

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