Atiniir is Single in Traverse City, Michigan, 1


I always look so much wider in pictures haha

Male | 23
United States
Traverse City
Last Login Date
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Eye Color
Body Type
A Few Extra Pounds
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Still looking
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Unemployed(waiting on application), student.
God, Video Games, Comics, Series with deep lore, Music, Film, Manga, Philosophy, Storytelling, Anything with the right person
About Me
I realize I look fat in my pictures, but I just have a square face, a beard, and a boomer's ability to take pictures. I'm actually only about 20 lbs. Over at the moment and dropping. I'd be better off describing how I look lol.

I am loyal to a fault. Honest. Completely transparent in relationships(too transparent, honestly). I'm the type to drown his SO in affection. Shy at first, but super talkative after. INFJ(actually), Empath, have agape love, HSP. I would say I am a very nurturing person with a lot of love to give. Love languages in order Quality time>Touch=Words>Acts>>>Gifts(this doesn't really do anything for me). I like to do all 5 towards my SO(assuming she's comfortable with them, obviously) but no kiss before marriage.

I hate exulting myself as any good qualities I possess are only from God but everyone I know says I'm the kindest or one of the kindest people they know. I'm told I'm very intelligent(I have an IQ in the 160s), wise, and have a lot of spiritual discernment. I'm told I'm funny and I do usually get laughs from my jokes. I'm told I'm a very easy-going, laid back, and very patient kind of person. I'm also told I'm a good hugger.

Looking for a loyal, affectionate girl(if you're shy with affection at first that's fine). She needs to love her God and be willing to serve Him in all her ways. If you aren't willing to drop all earthly ways and pick up your cross then we probably aren't a good fit :). Do not expect a life of ease or wealth, I have chosen my Master. Nor expect some "tough guy" who will fight your battles or "protect" you by hurting others, God commands us to be pacifists and I wish to live according to His commands. Only respond if you feel compelled by God, I only want the woman He has for me. Sorry if all this sounds harsh, I just want to make sure you know where I stand and who I stand with.

I want a relationship where we are both actively trying to hone and sharpen each others' faith(gently, anger is a sin) and where both of us are willing to drop any previous beliefs(and I do mean any) we may have held if we find it doesn't align with scripture. The way I see it is that there is one truth it's just up to us on whether we'll accept it and drop all our previously held beliefs and follow our Messiah or reject Him for our 30 pieces of silver. I think if we both have this mentality for all things then any differences we may have, theologically or otherwise, will ultimately be resolved.(I am firmly ecumenical, though). And if you're wondering if I would follow this rule myself then I would say that I already have. I have left the denomination I was raised in, the career I was pursuing, and the beliefs I held dear to follow my God(I don't say this to boast, just to point out that I'm not a hypocrite). I'm leaning towards Orthodoxy at the moment, so if you're Orthodox then that'd be perfect(but you can be from any denomination if you have the above mindset:)).

I want to go into possibly pastoral studies or similar profession, whichever God leads me to. I have a deep and passionate love for my God and feel called to serve Him in every way I can. I will promise you only a man with a deep and passionate love for his God, his future wife, and all(yes, all) humans. I'd love to talk about God if we match(given my chosen profession expect that a lot lol). Like I said, don't expect wealth or prosperity. If God wants that then He will give it, if He doesn't then He won't. I only want what God wants, I don't even want to breath without His permission. If that doesn't sound like a life you want to live then we wouldn't be a good fit :)

Looking for a serious relationship. I'm a traditional christian when it comes to family structure and all that. Though I'm into DD/lg and D/s(only with my wife, of course). I don't want kids, I love kids to pieces but I have autism and germaphobia and kids are loud and dirty, so I just wouldn't be a good fit for kids. My wife's germs don't bother me, though(in case you're wondering). Obviously, if God wants me to have kids then I will, but don't come into this relationship expecting children, sorry.

For warning I have Celiac Disease.

"Let all that you do be done in love " —1 Corinthians 16:14(my favorite verse)

Sorry for the wall of text lol
First Date
Up for anything honestly. Something that matches your interests, just as long as we're getting to know each other. A long-distance relationship that becomes close-distance is completely acceptable for me as well, the relationship and end destination is the important part.
Account Settings (To message Atiniir you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 18 to 23.

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