robereg is Single in Sunriver, Oregon


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Male | 63
United States
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robereg is Single in Sunriver, Oregon, 1 robereg is Single in Sunriver, Oregon, 2 robereg is Single in Sunriver, Oregon, 3 robereg is Single in Sunriver, Oregon, 4 robereg is Single in Sunriver, Oregon, 5 robereg is Single in Sunriver, Oregon, 6 robereg is Single in Sunriver, Oregon, 7 robereg is Single in Sunriver, Oregon, 8
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all christian
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
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Church Attendance
Every week
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Possibly, who knows
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Education Level
Some College
My Profession
My own business . Former Career missionary. Now have a Firewood selling business and love it !
Theology , fellowshipping with close friends, intimate fellowship meetings-Camping for sure, street evangelizing, hiking, kayaking,varied
About Me
God love you ! -- Ok, now I have to cut in here to say this right at the start else it might not get read. A lot of times you girls will come here because I viewed your profile first. And yet , I could not write you maybe because you have your top end age limit set to 56 , and I am 57. Do you not agree with me that this is silly ?? Did not give you the opportunity to hear me tell you why we might be good for each other . There is one way to let you know, if I veiw you more than once. It is almost sure that I am interested in you. Just change your age setting temporarily , and lets talk. We are Adults here, able to make our own discernments, right ? -- Ok, on now to what was my original post. --- Again, God loves you ! Maybe the sovereignty of God lead you to my profile . And God awesomely KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING ! It so easy, just honor God as God, and you see how he does creatively interesting, fulfilling things. So, you see His and his sons and your glory, and you simply have that first spirit of Free grace and love that he gave us when we were born again, and you are saved , sanctified and at rest, having awesome eternal life ,knowing " He who abides in love , abides in God,"and that , "herein is love, not that we loved .God, but that he loved us, and we are in his only wise Son ! "
I am looking for a woman that wants to be wise and mature in this world, sanctified, not taking in any of its ideologies , walking in the light , and not the lie. I have a great social circle of loving and life filled , Children of God, living in the Kingdom of light and truth. Really that Simple , Woman of God , let's just live our SURE and PURE redemption that we have, straight from the INCORRUPTIBLE GOD . I am very communitive andI I love to write, and will share from my heart, as well as listen to yours. I am wonderfully joyful man of God.. God is awesome !I want to say right off here that I am in at the point of being prepared for marriage-Not that I am putting those off them that feel they are just looking,and I am to. I am an awesome situation , and it is going to stay that way, in which I am prepared now, in all of the ways, for a Marriage. In my heart, also with a circle of freinds,a good social circle, and we would have good people to fellowshp with. ! And then also financially, I have been blessed. . Sidenote here. I am going to say some good Spirit led things here --It is awesome that there is nothing we have in common with the unenlightened world-We dont go by the same things they do--We are Free from their bondages, praise our wise and holy LORD. And we enjoy those freedoms.
As you can see, I want people to know ,just from the letters that form the fish in Greek, on my hat, JESUS CHRIST GODS SON SAVIOUR If you are a real Christian, and not decieved ,as in the Galatian deception, then, I want to partner with you in the glorious love and freedom given by Christ---We have an open door right here to experience a romance that starts rather fun, I feel. Where we actually pick someone after more carefully seeing something about their souls . I will just ask a few questions ; Are you mature also ? Do you understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE for there to be no God ! Do you understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE for one to be satisfied with out sanctification ? Walk in love. And these things that I have said so far constitute maturity . And from there it is about a strong being,helping someone who is a little bit more fragile,and coming along side them and loving them dearly. I know that there are woman out there that are in Christ and simply in touch with God , and has that awesome womanly wisdom ,that is from God. I mean the very wisdom that you are the awesome, beloved, greatly wise ,other half of this image of God ,we are created in ,Male and Female. I want to be a servant husband to you, be a faithful companion, exploring the intellectual world also in different useful endeavors ,and that sort of thing .I am in an Awesome situation right now, and will be in this situation settled ,steadily, and for sure. I will tell you that when we talk. We are shining forever as stars in Gods universe ,like it says in Daniel,and we can take the time to find what God has awesomely done in each other.See the light about each other. Pun intended. Also, something that is wonderful ,God knows and He sees ( will find out anything) exposes and knows the hearts and motives of every person, so great to have a clear conscience ! So, its all in the light, the awesome situation, the clear conscience, the friends I have ,are part of that awesome situation I am in, and God has sovereignly done it !
Ok, On now-- --Man an Woman are all about Christ and the Church. That is so holy, and means infinitly so much. --So, I am walking in grace, abiding in Gods love, looking for a good graceful woman. --- I love to study Theology. I love to ask the question--Every idea that has ever come at us, and is coming at us --Is it from God ?-God has given me a love to lead small discussion groups on every subject that helps people see how much God has loved them and all the different paths He has given us, and to get the meanings of the scriptures the way God meant them. No legalistic or licentious spirits. I live a free ,exciting life, with infinite goodness ahead of us. All by the grace of God . I am loooking for a woman , that knows the love of Christ , a loving disciple of Christ, one that will look at marriage as "Christ and the Church" and we can have good Theology for a marriage and exalt God with others, all by the grace of God. God loves us!
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Go on a walk ,do something fun
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