LeeDavidS is Single in Santa Fe, New Mexico


I'm moved to Santa Fe NM recently so I'm looking for friends. If that leads to a life partner and

Male | 62
United States
Santa Fe
New Mexico
Last Login Date
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LeeDavidS is Single in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1 LeeDavidS is Single in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2 LeeDavidS is Single in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 3 LeeDavidS is Single in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 4 LeeDavidS is Single in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 5
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Salt n Pepper
Looking For
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Self Employed
Outdoor stuff like hiking, camping, fishing, etc.. I also like movies, museums, fine arts, photography, sports...
About Me
Proverbs 27:2 says, "Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips."
So I'll cut and paste what a dear friend of mine said about me. "You are tender, kind, gentle, sensitive, long-suffering, trustworthy, cReAtiVe!, smart, friendly, talented, & oh so likable. It gives my heart joy that you love the Lord."

I enjoy all sorts of things including but not limited to: anything outdoors, hiking, camping, fishing, traveling, road trips, sports like golf etc.. I'm energetic and stay fit by being active and eating healthy foods. I'm laid back, easy going, like most everybody I meet. Indoors I read my bible everyday, I like to cook, clean up after myself and maintain an organized environment. This just scratches the surface, ask if you'd like to know more.

Update: If I viewed at your profile and didn't wink it might be because I was outside the age range you have listed. This site does not allow people to wink if they do not match the things specified. I am very fit, athletic, and high energy. I am a scuba instructor and have been asked to slow down numerous times by people half my age. I am seeking people who will just be friends as well as more.

Update: I go to church where God calls me to. I have attended regularly Vineyard, non-denominational, Calvary Chapels, AoG, a spirit filled Methodist Church. I have traveled a lot so I have attended many churches.
First Date
Continue the process of getting to know each other. I don't enjoy shallow conversations for very long. I've been told I'm a good listener. There are so many things I like to do and I'm very flexible so numerous possibilities exist for things to do so long as we can talk and get to know each other.
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Any Age.
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