Rmcaswell is Single in Gilbert, Arizona


I joy in my Jesus! Let’s joy in our Jesus together:)

Male | 58
United States
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Rmcaswell is Single in Gilbert, Arizona, 1 Rmcaswell is Single in Gilbert, Arizona, 2 Rmcaswell is Single in Gilbert, Arizona, 3
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Nondenominational Christian
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Pipefitter, plumber
Being the servant of the Lord to help people spiritually as well as physically. Being valiant enough and willing to open up my mouth and offer Christ to others in spite of the occasional rejection. It feels awesome sharing Jesus with others!!!
About Me
I am a missionary at heart. I loved my 2 year mission in Buenos Aires and am still fluent in Spanish which I speak whenever I can. I love to share the Gospel whenever I can. Today after playing tennis with my daughter we called 7-11 to check on their slurpee flavors and the guy was super nice and told me all 12 flavors they had and which ones were his favorites. So I gave him my wallet sized testimony I printed off on PowerPoint to say thank you for his great service. He was the manager and unbeknownst to me told his cashier to let us have our double gulp slurpee for free! Praise Jesus! I have never been that happy sipping a slurpee before in my life!
Some women feel uncomfortable around people who enjoy sharing and talking about Jesus in public. If that sounds like you, please swipe away.
I am hoping for a woman who loves Jesus so much she cannot keep her mouth shut for the joy of sharing him with others. I look forward to sharing our life’s experiences with the Lord with eachother. I look forward to being equally yoked and pulling together, side by side, with our eyes on Jesus and trusting in him to be our strength.
2020 has been a wonderful and challenging year. On Saturday January 4th of this year I was making a resolution. God prompted me to create my resolution as a prayer to call on Him for help. So I did. I knew I was 53 and had 53 years of a prayer relationship with God that I was very dissatisfied with because I believed I had a broken receiver on my telephone to God. I prayed but never learned to hear God talk back and never learned to recognize his voice. I just didn’t believe he would talk to me.
Then Kellie, a friend of mine, felt inspired to give me a book that a friend of hers wrote. It is called “How to Talk With God”, by William Black($10.00 on Amazon) I read it and tucked it away for three months-but made no changes to hear God better.
Then God put on my heart to make 2020 be my year for having “20-20” hearing and connecting with the voice of God for myself. I wrote,
“O Jesus, grant that I may hear, O Jesus, Your Will, Your way, O Jesus, and willingly obey.”
Then I pondered how I could help my prayer come true. God prompted me to read that little book again.
In it William says that NOTHING will help you to hear God’s voice quicker than writing down your heartfelt prayer to God and then writing down his response back to you. I failed to do it the first time I read the book. William even quoted an ancient text that says God “commands all men in the north and in the south, and in the east and in the west, and in the isles of the sea to WRITE the words He gives to them.”
Well after writing my resolution and crying out loud for the Lord to help me to hear him I decided I needed a prayer journal. So I located one and decided to write,
“Bob: “ when I am speaking to the Lord, and
“Lord: “ when the Lord speaks back to me.
Before I tell you what happened I must share how God provided someone in my life to prepare me to receive from God. His name is Pat and he runs a MeetUp group in Issaquah, WA called Awake Love. This group did help me to love myself more and I have been attending for 4 years now every Thursday from 5 to 7 pm Pacific Time. During COVID we are meeting via zoom. If any of this resonates with you-please join.
So I decided to write my prayer to God. I was comfortable with that part. But I pondered how I could possibly write God’s words to me. God reminded me of how often I had felt God’s love over the past 4 years of meeting with Pat and his Unconditionally loving presence and words. God then inspired me to write down words that sounded like Pat’s unconditionally loving words and presence times a billion-because Pat is mortal and God is God.
I had a wonderful breakthrough and I feel God’s love daily as I write to God and courageously write his loving words back to me. God loves to tell me, “I love you, Bob”-calling ME by name!!!

God loves you too!
First Date
Find somewhere in nature inviting God’s beauty to be near us. Enjoying the conversation as we take in and discover what God shares with us from nature. Enjoying some home baked muffins or cookies. And then relaxing and enjoying the conversation that naturally flows when two people get together who love the Lord:)
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