looking4theone4me is Single in city......, Iowa


Seeking who God has planned.

Male | 66
United States
Last Login Date
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looking4theone4me is Single in city......, Iowa, 1 looking4theone4me is Single in city......, Iowa, 2 looking4theone4me is Single in city......, Iowa, 3 looking4theone4me is Single in city......, Iowa, 4 looking4theone4me is Single in city......, Iowa, 5 looking4theone4me is Single in city......, Iowa, 6
Eye Color
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Looking For
Church Name
Ask me
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but not living at home
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
musician, voice over artist,video editor,pastor
Music-playing, recording, production, voice over work, photography, drone flying, workouts. Outdoor activities: walks, hiking, fishing, target shooting, archery, camping, canoeing, swimming, snorkeling, want to learn to scuba dive too!, siteseeing and mor
About Me
I love the Lord Jesus with all my heart. I believe that God loves us so much He sent His son, Jesus to die for us on the cross because we can't pay the debt to reconcile ourselves to God in our fallen and sinful state. Jesus is first in my life, then my hopeful spouse and then family. BUT ALWAYS CHRIST FIRST
Semi-retired. Working part-time on occasion. Getting back into voice over, writing more music and getting my in-home recording studio finished up and waiting on the Lord for what HE has planned next. Looks like I will be getting back into the workforce soon hopefully. That's happening the end of this week.. I really need to have something to keep me more active and not be cooped up in the house!!! LOL!!!
I just published and posted my first song on YouTube! Look up DBLester Music. the title is, "Searching Too"
Born and raised in Iowa. I've lived in Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, twice in Colorado and Washington state and California and back in Iowa for now. Been to 24 of our great 50 states, Canada twice, Mexico twice over the years. I even lived in Scotland!
Looking for a woman who loves Jesus and does all she can to follow His direction and guidance. Someone to break open the Scriptures with me as we delve into the Word together and pray for guidance and direction as we seek to place HIM ABOVE OURSELVES, make Him first in our lives and in our relationship. Seeking a Ruth to my Boaz. For me to follow Ephesians 5:25 giving myself to her as Christ did the church, to die to self and place her needs ahead of my own.
Looking for that partner who can laugh at themselves and laugh with me too.
Love to curl up on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn and watch a crazy/silly comedy or love story, take to the country, the beach or stroll along a country road or walk downtown. I like to walk, hike, canoe, want to get a kayak this coming Spring, Many other interests as well. I am comfortable in jeans and boots and dressing up and going out to a gala, fundraiser, or just a nice dinner. I look for a relationship that people look at us and remark, โ€˜whatever they have in their relationship, I want the same.โ€™
FYI- My parents were 9 years apart by age and a pastor friend and his wife are 12 years apart, so an age difference is not a factor unless you are young enough to be my daughter. AGES OF 50-68 PLEASE. If you have read to here thank you! And my mom was 4 inches taller than my dad, height is not a problem for me if it is not for you...
Proverbs 3:5-6๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™
For you ladies who wonder. My love languages are words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time. And Briggs-Meyers-ENFJ.
First Date
Something that is mutual. Let us see what happens!!
Or, I can plan something and have it a surprise.
(NO bungie jumping, though, I promise)
Account Settings (To message looking4theone4me you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 52 to 68.
Must not Smoke.

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