Favored966123 is Single in Honesdale, Pennsylvania



Female | 33
United States
Last Login Date
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Favored966123 is Single in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, 1 Favored966123 is Single in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, 2 Favored966123 is Single in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, 3 Favored966123 is Single in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, 4 Favored966123 is Single in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, 5 Favored966123 is Single in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, 6 Favored966123 is Single in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, 7 Favored966123 is Single in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, 8
Eye Color
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Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
Path of Truth ministries
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Resident Care Associate
Reading, Going to the beach , Music, Movies, Socializing and interworking, Hanging out with friends of a good company, Taking long walks, Going out, Camping, roadtrips, random drives, Cooking, hiking, concerts, being out in the wild for safaris or simply
About Me
Free spirited, kind spontaneous, honest, hardworking,social, friendly young lady that has a positive mindset and God fearing who's also focused about my life goals yet able to balance up work with actually living life. I was once a safari tour operator/ guide and I worked with people from all over the globe which strongly built up my communication and interpersonal skills. In additionI am quite exposed to different cultures and languages. Having worked in that field for some time, nature and the wild became part of me and for sure I would be lying if I said I can get enough of it. I like travelling to new places and trying out new things. Along my life's journey, I've learnt to live for others instead of for myself so serving others is one purpose I have dedicated myself to even in the smallest bit possible. Life has knocked me down a couple of times but am surely one person that doesnt give up easily and am grateful every day for the strength the Lord has given me each time walls close up on me.

Am a very respectful person with morals that tries to treat everyone just like they deserve, self giving , loving and compassionate to myself and others. Abit of a perfectionist because I believe if something cant be done well why even bother that's why I choose to give my best efforts at anything I decide to do for again I believe it all pays off in the end.

In search of a God fearing , understanding, respectful, compassionate, self driven, ambitious guy that knows what they exactly want and not afraid to reach for it. Self giving, kind, calm and down to earth, passionate, romantic, hard working who also can balance in between work and living life. Social, friendly, adventurous, spontaneous, one of high integrity, loving, caring with empathy and just a cheerful happy positive person.

First Date
Am an outdoorsy person who loves nature so anything connected to that would be definitely ideal though still open to any suggestions as long as we are both comfortable.
Account Settings (To message Favored966123 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 28 to 37.
Must not Smoke.
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