LadiLyric9 is Single in Deptford, New Jersey


Looking For A Kind, Patient, Wise Man

Female | 64
United States
New Jersey
Last Login Date
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LadiLyric9 is Single in Deptford, New Jersey, 1 LadiLyric9 is Single in Deptford, New Jersey, 2 LadiLyric9 is Single in Deptford, New Jersey, 3 LadiLyric9 is Single in Deptford, New Jersey, 4 LadiLyric9 is Single in Deptford, New Jersey, 5 LadiLyric9 is Single in Deptford, New Jersey, 6 LadiLyric9 is Single in Deptford, New Jersey, 7 LadiLyric9 is Single in Deptford, New Jersey, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Salt n Pepper
African American
Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
The Kingdom
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Healthcare, Clerical/Retired
I enjoy going to church and Spiritual Conferences, Arts&Crafts, The Beach, Comedy, Museums, The Mountains, Live Plays, Exercise and Singing, Music-Contemporary Christian, Gospel, Jazz and Classic Rock. I also enjoy The Discovery and History Channels, Law
About Me
I am a kind hearted and loyal person. Compassionate, a little bit of a free spirit and playful at times. Yet very serious and determined. Funny and easy to get along with, yet Introspective and quiet thinker. I love the Lord and my Salvation Walk is very important to me. I have been waiting for things to get right in my life before looking for companionship."Re-Discovery OF Self;" but I am "Stepping Out Of The Boat In Faith". Looking for friendship first, and then see what developes, hopefuly something long term if GOD wills. I hope to meet someone who Loves The Lord and is "Walking In The Fruit Of His Spirit"; and Loves to Worship Him In Spirit and In Truth. A man who is careing and willing to invest time and patience on another and the same will be given in return. A man with a Good Heart who is loyal, respectful and of good character. Someone who has a Good Sense Of Humor, because it is good to laugh and have fun and be silly at times. I could also use an Exercise Partner. I think that would be a good healthy activity to do together. Plus I could use the encouragement of having a good strong dedicated exercise partner. FOLLOW HIS LEADING, AND REST IN HIS HAND."BEHOLD I WILL DO A NEW THING". Isaiah 43:19. So Talk to you soon. :angel:
First Date
An afternoon or evening ride to the beach in the Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter. Comedy Club, Museum or Live Theatre Play. Go to a movie or just have a good conversation over a cup of tea.
Account Settings (To message LadiLyric9 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 56 to 66.
Must not Smoke.
Must not Drink.

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