TrustintheLord is Single in Tucson, Arizona


God Fearing Woman Seeks God Fearing Man

Female | 70
United States
Last Login Date
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TrustintheLord is Single in Tucson, Arizona, 1 TrustintheLord is Single in Tucson, Arizona, 2
Eye Color
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Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Evangelical Church
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
Specialty/Trade School
My Profession
Insurance Broker Agent
The Bible, evangelism and missions. I'm interested in various cultures, history, travel, reading, golf?, photography, antiques and antique malls, car shows, sports, natural health, renovation, walking, the gym, the great outdoors, dancing,
About Me
Wanting to meet a friend first, then hopefully my life partner! I am not looking for a pen pal, what I mean is I will want to talk on the phone after awhile if we seem to be compatible and mutually interested in each other. I don't think it's possible to get to know each other only by texting. I am also open to meeting a Christian friend.
I did not grow up in church but visited an Assembly of God and also a Methodist church quite a bit at times with children in the neighborhood. I was saved through a Billy Graham crusade as an adult and I am a born again Christian.
I am primarily looking for an honest (while being diplomatic) and mutually respectful relationship with a conservative and Christian gentleman. A Godly man with a sweet heart, that's a good person and has good character qualities. I am also looking for a man with a can do spirit, that looks for ways to make things possible and looks at a glass half full. I don’t think it's particularly easy to find someone later in life but with God all things are possible.
Once I find the one, I will either retire full time as I would rather spend time enjoying life with you or work part time so that we can better appreciate our time together.
In the meantime working and accomplishing goals are a fun distraction and adventure. I would be willing to relocate for the right man.
My mother taught me to love history and I would like to mention that's one of my interests. Unfortunately I tend to not remember as much history as I'd like even though I normally have a good memory. My mother was French and was raised in the French Alps, but she was a patriotic flag waving American and so am I. My grandmother came to America for a visit to see the Native Americans after seeing the Buffalo Bill Show at the Paris World's Fair (because she was so impressed with Native Americans!). I say all that because I was raised with a Latin European influence culturally as well as American. I'm so thankful I'm American so that I had the opportunity to get saved and know the Lord.
I feel comfortable in a dress or in jeans and would feel equally comfortable with a businessman or a cowboy. I am affectionate and like PDA but that's something that would be reserved for later.
Please contact me if you dearly love the Lord, I look forward to hearing from you! 🤗
First Date
I would like to meet for coffee or a meal. Somewhere not too noisy where we can talk and get to know each other a bit.
Account Settings (To message TrustintheLord you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 55 to 79.
Must not Smoke.
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