old_world is Single in Boring, Oregon


Holding hands till the angels sing...

Male | 42
United States
Last Login Date
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old_world is Single in Boring, Oregon, 1 old_world is Single in Boring, Oregon, 2 old_world is Single in Boring, Oregon, 3 old_world is Single in Boring, Oregon, 4 old_world is Single in Boring, Oregon, 5 old_world is Single in Boring, Oregon, 6
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but not living at home
Do you want children?
Education Level
Masters/Post Grad
My Profession
Business/ Artificial Intelligence
Bible, Influencing the next gen, Common Law, Start-ups, Surfing, Biking, too many to list
About Me
Well, hello ~
I was googling for something "sweet and spicy"... but --somehow-- I ended up here on Match. Amazing, how that ...happened ; ] Ok-Well..., not really, but since we're both here... let's have fun with this anyway, shall we?

---- Please read the whole profile before contacting me, it will save time for both of us. I'm not as verbose in person but don't want to waste our time. And to get it out of the way: 2 kids, B 13, G 9 as of Nov-2022. ----

First and foremost, I'm a JESUS-follower (Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but 'walkin the line', now & to the bright, blazing end), After the trials I've gone thru in the last few years..., I've come to know myself a bit more: so I can say withou boast or reservation, that I'm strong metally, physically, emotionally, relying on the Saviour for all of it though, because, really... what of it is ours ? None of it... but by His Love Grace Mercy and Truth.

Anyway as for You, ...well, you're probably a:
Feminine (which will make for good chemistry ),
Slender (caring for your body and modest in appearance)
Flexible (body AND mind),
Affectionate (distinctly),
Loves to learn (not just with books),
Have a great relationship with your dear ol' Pappy,
(A.K.A.: The Superior) Woman,
who wants to have enough kids to fill-up the SUV, plus 2 on the bumpers n 3 on top (OK - this one is Negotiable :),

...If so, THEN, I may be able to help you out. ; ]

I dig the girls that smile n are joyous (because it exhibits that you're
like me, playful and choose to see the joy-humor-beauty in life the Lord has placed everywhere.);
You like being active: cooking, something & esp. volunteering, being hospitable (as I see more of that in my future);
You like the beach (bc I like to surf and it gives us a reason to ...get cozy);
Ethnic eateries;
A whole lotta Johnny Cash, rockabilly, LCohen, (& more & munchkin songs (for the 2 kids I love so dearly) & deep hymns),
Swingin' your tushy across the dance-floor;
Working-out 'da musklez;
Galavanting on the weekends,
Prepping for the apocalypse (jk - I'm gonna miss 99.999% of it) ,
Talking-Learning about taboo topics like the Bible, U.S. politics-
Constitution., cultures, start-ups, economics, spirituality, male-female dynamics, health, fasting, AI, cars, raw-milk ... weird!? I know. ; ]
And - holding hands... till the angels sing.

So, IF engaging with a solid, real man sounds interesting to you (and really... how could it not??) - ...and you want to try to keep up, then I see something Hot 'n' Studly in your future ; ]

I'm lookin' forward to meeting you joyful, smart, beautiful baby,
Ciao ~
Mr. Old_world

PS: And for some of you out there (-you know who you are-), I don't care how tempting they are, but pinching my "bulging musklez" at our first meeting, is completely out of the question. -- Hands off the goods Honeybee! ;]
Sorry: Pls no tattoos, nose ringsstuds, nor vaxxed gals ---

PSS: Rom 15:13: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in faith so that you overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” May God give you the desires of your heart ~
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