Naturelover7784 is Single in Port Hadlock, Washington


Christian seeks a very romantic, affectionate, intimate marriage.

Male | 76
United States
Port Hadlock
Last Login Date
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Naturelover7784 is Single in Port Hadlock, Washington, 1 Naturelover7784 is Single in Port Hadlock, Washington, 2
Eye Color
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Hair Color
7th Day Adventist
Looking For
Church Name
Port Townsend
Church Attendance
Once or Twice a month
Church Raised In
Seventh-Day Adventist
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
HS Graduate
My Profession
Mole trapper / Lay Minister / Semmi Retired
Bible study, hiking, walking in nature, camping, cooking, being together with a special woman, reading, meeting new friends, healthful living, spending quiet intimate evenings together at home, taking road trips in beautiful country,, and other things
About Me
I am a Scriptural man. I know that "LOVE IS THE RESPONSE IN A PERSON'S HEART IN APPRECIATION OF ANOTHER PERSON'S CHARACTER WHICH IS THE PERSON" SEE 1st JOHN 4:7-*19*-21 CHARACTER = THE PERSON SEE 1st PETER 3:1-6,*4* KJV I have been a vegetarian for 43 years; I never get sick. I am in outstanding health. I can hike at least 20 miles a day. I believe it is a moral obligation to God and to one's mate to live a healthy life style. It is impossible to have a very fulfilling marriage with corrupted bodies. I believe what makes a marriage a fore taste of heaven on earth is the little acts of kindness often repeated which say I LOVE YOU to each other. I desire to share life with a very special woman. I believe that romantic courtship should never end. The most important thing I am looking for in a woman is a PURE HEART, affectionate and romantic. She ABSOLUTELY MUST BE physically fit able to hike in the mountains and be in excellent heath. A woman's hair is given to her for a (glory = veil and beauty see 1st Corinthians 11:15 KJV). I therefore like a woman to look like a woman i.e. medium or long hair. I love telling people of God's love for them. I love studying and sharing the Word of God. I love walking, hiking and just being in nature. I love the country and hate the city. I am a country man through and through. I believe the best gift that God can give a person besides Jesus Christ and health is a spouse that truly loves them. I love to can fruit also. I AM STUCK IN A TIME WARP BECAUSE OF MY HEALTHY LIFE STYLE. ALMOST ALL THE WOMEN IN AGE BRACKET LOOK LIKE THEY COULD BE MY MOTHER.
First Date
A romantic walk or hike in nature, something we can do and speak to each other's heart. :
Account Settings (To message Naturelover7784 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 40 to Any Age.
Must not Smoke.
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