I believe in holiness in mariage,I have a pass but it doesn’t determine who I am, with jesus I am
- Gender
- Female | 25
- Country
- United States
- City
- State
- Missouri
- Height
- 5'2"
- Last Login Date
- Click here to learn more
- Age
- 25
- Eye Color
- Black
- Body Type
- Petite
- Hair Color
- Black
- Ethnicity
- African American
- Denomination
- Presbyterian
- Looking For
- A Marriage Partner
- Church Name
- New city fellowship
- Church Attendance
- Every week
- Church Raised In
- Christian Reformed
- Do you drink?
- 1 or 2 on occasion
- Smoker
- No
- Willing to relocate?
- Sure, why not
- Marital Status
- Single
- Do you have children?
- No
- Do you want children?
- Want Children
- Education Level
- HS Graduate
- My Profession
- Associate in retail
- Interests
- Study bible,sport,vidéo making,cooking,Disney☺️,…
- About Me
- So I am from another country😅, I am still learning my English,I talk kinda a lot for those who knows me😁, I love dancing,always looking for adrenaline and adventure,I have all (almost) my family back home, OH! By the way I from CONGO 🇨🇩 ☺️, been here for 2 years now,I enjoy hanging out with my friend(don’t really have much😅😅) 80% of the time I am smiling 😅,….let pray about it from ours fort date even right after me match…. By the way I am goofy and strong in the same time,…
- First Date
- going to church and after we can meet for a study Bible,and go for some escape room or something like that then after let grab a ice cream 🤗
- Account Settings (To message Seph1706 you must meet the following criteria.)
- Any Age.
- Appears on 13 members favorites lists
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