Anchor1993 is Single in Newark, Ohio


God first

Female | 31
United States
Last Login Date
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Anchor1993 is Single in Newark, Ohio, 1 Anchor1993 is Single in Newark, Ohio, 2 Anchor1993 is Single in Newark, Ohio, 3 Anchor1993 is Single in Newark, Ohio, 4 Anchor1993 is Single in Newark, Ohio, 5
Eye Color
Body Type
A Few Extra Pounds
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
Some School
My Profession
Stay At Home Mom
long walks. long drives with Christian music. talking about God.
About Me
I want a man that loves God more than anything.
I have 4 amazing children and I can't have any more. They are all quirky and sweet and I love them so much. I believe that pornography is 100 percent wrong so if you don't agree things would not work out with me. I hate pornography and lust. I have been married to a porn addict who sexually and mentally abused me so I have PTSD. there is no way you will talking me into thinking porn is okay and there is no way I will date someone that thinks it's okay and I have that right. so if you think porn is okay and if you want someone that is okay with it then I suggest not messaging me. I do not hate porn addicts. i hate porn. I love all people including porn addicts and people that don't agree with me
..I still love you...but I don't want to talk to you lol! God is the only father I've ever had and I love him with all of me and I pray that he brings me closer and closer to him each day. I pray for sanctification. I pray for wisdom beyond human understanding and strength to get through the hard times I am going through right now and I pray the same thing for anyone who reads this. Gods got you. he is at the end of this fight. and the day we go home, the Lord will wipe away all of our tears. Hug!
First Date
I Do Not Like Parties And I Do Not Want To Go To A Restaurant On The First Date Because That Would Just Give Me Anxiety Lol!. I Am Mostly An Introvert. I Would Rather Meet Up At A Park Or Something One On One. Go For A Walk Somewhere
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Any Age.
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