dcosb001 is Single in DOVER, Delaware


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Male | 51
United States
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dcosb001 is Single in DOVER, Delaware, 1 dcosb001 is Single in DOVER, Delaware, 2 dcosb001 is Single in DOVER, Delaware, 3 dcosb001 is Single in DOVER, Delaware, 4
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Church of God
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church of God
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Church of Christ
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Education Level
Masters/Post Grad
My Profession
Complete happyness
About Me
Ok, this has to be said. I love the motherland Africa. If you are from Kenya, or any other African country or any other country besides the USA, in fact, I could not love more than to take a wife from my Africa. But understand, you must have a good plan of making your way to the United States. I will not send money overseas but I will reimburse your expenses to get here. I AM NOT A MARK

It is not Good for man to be alone, So God created woman. No King should be without a Queen and I have been without my true queen for too long. Where are you. This is not about games, this is not about sex, this not about want, its about need. Yes, I said it need. its not good for man to be alone so God created woman.
I thought it would be cool to live the American dream, obtain a good degree, handle my finances well, own my own home and all ...but who knew this shelter in place mess would happen. There is nothing worst than being successful gifted and Black by yourself. So, lets get serious about this thing. I'm not a player,( never been) and I have always been a one women man. However, I do recognize GAME. So if you are talking about wanting good, stable, fairly hansom man and don't know what that comes with, it might be a good idea to swipe left. you not ready.

The idea of finding that close to perfect companion is what drives me to weave through these types of sites in search of her. I am a God fearing man who loves life. I still believe in love but I must admit, I have yet to fall in the type of love that makes one's heart skip a beat when in her presence. I know it’s out there and I hope I catch it one last time.

I'm looking for an exciting lady (I do mean lady) . She must be honest about who she is and what she wants.. I think its important to develop a relationship through a strong friendship. If you are beautiful inside and out and enjoys life in what ever situation God has placed you in, let's chat.
First Date
Have lunch or a cup of tea/coffee
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Any Age.
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