matthewinbc is Single in VICTORIA, British Columbia


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Male | 44
British Columbia
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matthewinbc is Single in VICTORIA, British Columbia, 1 matthewinbc is Single in VICTORIA, British Columbia, 2 matthewinbc is Single in VICTORIA, British Columbia, 3
Eye Color
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Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
Christ Church Cathedral
Church Attendance
Once or Twice a month
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
animals, swimming, table tennis, walking, holidays, TV, Internet
About Me
I'm at that stage in my life where I'm really hoping (and praying) to find the right person to build a life together with and am willing to work hard to make it happen. Also, within the next few years, I want to bring new life into the world. I feel like there are people yet to be born who are depending on me to do the right thing so that they may have a chance at life. They would have a number of young relatives in England although I intend to stay living somewhere in the Pacific Northwest.

I love animals and would love to have lots of pets. I have a few small critters at the moment.

There are certain things I would like to do, such as going on a cruise ship or going on vacation in Hawaii, but those are only for a week or two each year.

A lot of my spare time I spend at home, whether it's studying or reading or watching stuff on Netflix. I also go for long walks to try and make up for spending far too much time staring at computer screens, which brings me on to the fact that I work in accounting. Also, just before Christmas (2023) I completed a post-degree diploma in accounting. I like board games but tend to only play those once a year when visiting family in the UK.

I rarely go swimming but would be happy to go more often with someone. I can ski. I can snowboard a little bit. I'm reasonably fit.

I can drive and have a valid driver's licence but I would really like a "local" (someone from North America) to join me in the car for a good number of trips before I buy my own car.

I have British-Canadian dual nationality, both nationalities from birth. Any children that I have will have both Canadian and British citizenship.

I currently go to church a couple of times a month on average but would be happy to go every week with a partner. I was brought up a Protestant but am currently going to an Anglican church.
First Date
Go for a walk if the weather is good, plus go to a coffee shop or similar.
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Any Age.
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