ValkyrieL is Single in NORTH BEND, Washington


Old soul looking for love.

Female | 33
United States
Last Login Date
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ValkyrieL is Single in NORTH BEND, Washington, 1 ValkyrieL is Single in NORTH BEND, Washington, 2 ValkyrieL is Single in NORTH BEND, Washington, 3 ValkyrieL is Single in NORTH BEND, Washington, 4
Eye Color
Body Type
A Few Extra Pounds
Hair Color
Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
Mt Si Lutheran
Church Attendance
Once or Twice a month
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
HS Graduate
My Profession
Count room clerk
God, square dancing, crochet, horseback riding, coffee, traveling, reading
About Me
As my headline says, I'm an old soul looking for love. I'm shy at first, and when nervous I'll be chatty and babble a lot. I know, that last sentence seems like an oxymoron, however if I'm by myself and not meeting someone, and not shopping for anything, then I'll be totally silent and not strike up a conversation. If I'm meeting someone, or if I'm with someone, and I start babbling then that is an indicator that I'm nervous. I enjoy well made alcohol, but don't indulge often, as I don't want to risk becoming an alcoholic, which runs on both sides of my family. I also enjoy most cuisine styles and enjoy flavor over heat. Horror movies are my favorite, but any action/thriller will do too. I have two kittens named Luna and Selene, Luna is a black tabby and Selene is a Norwegian Forest mix. Yes, black tabby is a thing; a true black cat must have two black furred parents. I am not apposed to dogs, but cats have always been my favorite since I was a little girl, same as loving to square dance. Despite having been square dancing since 1998, I have not been very consistent with doing it so I'm only at the mainstream level, which is about the second level counting basic lessons. I also enjoy to travel and have been to Canada, Australia, Japan, and Costa Rica for places outside of the USA. Within the USA, I've been up and down the west states, including the western part of Texas, and Alaska. Most of that happened when I did a tour with the young continentals group while in highschool. With having visited Montana to visit family about every other year or so as a young child, and lived in Oregon to find work before moving back home and ultimately finding work at the Snoqualmie Casino. Current availability is Saturday afternoon to Monday early afternoon, I work Tuesday through Saturday, with an early morning start. By early, I mean that I'm consistently up well before dawn even in the summer. My Saturday availability varies based on when I get off work for the day.
First Date
Depending on what day it is, I would either meet for coffee at a cafe or something, or perhaps we would meet for dinner and a movie. Depends on my comfort level and like I said what day we are meeting.
Account Settings (To message ValkyrieL you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 31 to 41.
Appears on 5 members favorites lists

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