Marce398 is Single in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires


Amo a Dios por sobre todas las I love God above all things. I am messianic1 Co

Female | 38
Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
Last Login Date
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Marce398 is Single in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 1 Marce398 is Single in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 2 Marce398 is Single in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 3 Marce398 is Single in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 4 Marce398 is Single in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 5 Marce398 is Single in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 6
Eye Color
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Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
Puertas del reino
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Christian Reformed
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Masters/Post Grad
My Profession
Coach.ontologico y practitioner en pnl
Dios;coaching;ver películas y series.caminar .salida con amigosGod; coaching; watching movies and series. walking. going out with friendspor favor no me gusta hacerle perder el tiempo a nadie o que me lo hagan perder a mi porque respeto a todo el mu
About Me
Extrovertida.compañ inicio conversaciónes .creo en el matrimonio y el amor para toda la vida por los valores y principios de Dios y de mis abuelos don't start conversations. I believe in marriage and love for life for the values ​​and principles of God and my grandparents

1 Corintios 15:33 No erréis; las malas conversaciones corrompen las buenas costumbres

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not err; bad conversations corrupt good manners.
First Date
.Please, I don't like to waste anyone's time or that they make me lose it because I respect everyone and I love God above all things. I am afraid of him and I would never take God's name in vain because he is one of the worst things or sins that can be done because God is 3 times holy and repudiates sin. I have already found many false profiles here the Holy Spirit testifies to who belongs to him and I do a reverse search for photos so as not to waste time or be complicit in something that for God is to sin against Him. There must be millions of women here and profiles to waste time or talk about things that do not build or men who want to impose their own doctrines and rules and things that God did not say. I seek to build with whom I talk and who is reciprocal and the rest is the will of God. Thank you very much God bless you

por favor no me gusta hacerle perder el tiempo a nadie o que me lo hagan perder a mi porque respeto a todo el mundo y amo A Dios por sobre todas las cosas .soy temerosa de el y jamas tomaria el nombre de Dios en vano porq es uno de las peores cosas o pecados que se pueden hacer porq Dios es 3 veces santo y repudia el pecado.ya encontre nuchos perfiles falsos aca el Espíritu Santo da testimonio de quien es de el y hago búsqueda reversa de fotos para no perder tiempo o ser complice de algo q para Dios es pecar en contra de El .debe haber millones de mujeres aca.y perfiles para perder el tiempo o charlar de cosas q no edifican u hombres q quieren imponer sus propias doctrinas y reglas y cosas q Dios no dijo.yo busco edificar con quien charlo y q sea recíproco y lo demás Sea la voluntad de Dios .muchas gracias Dios te bendiga
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Age between 35 to 55.
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