jonathandavid32633 is Single in BOULDER CITY, Nevada


Recent move to Nevada, Boulder City area and I would like to meet interesting people in the Las Vega

Male | 27
United States
Last Login Date
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jonathandavid32633 is Single in BOULDER CITY, Nevada, 1 jonathandavid32633 is Single in BOULDER CITY, Nevada, 2 jonathandavid32633 is Single in BOULDER CITY, Nevada, 3 jonathandavid32633 is Single in BOULDER CITY, Nevada, 4 jonathandavid32633 is Single in BOULDER CITY, Nevada, 5 jonathandavid32633 is Single in BOULDER CITY, Nevada, 6
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Looking For
Church Name
Grace Community Bible Church
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Hiking in the Lake Mead Natl Rec Area, Dog and pets, Writing, Traveling
About Me
I am mostly evangelical/non-denominational, although some family members are practicing Catholics. I am a life long Christian having been a member of Bible churches in Tx, Fl, Wash DC, McClean Virginia area. I enjoy a tight knit supportive group of young Christian friends. I recently moved to Boulder City where we have a small, but active Church that I am involved in charities, bible study, healing services, and Sunday services. I am interested in meeting engaging and fun people in the Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City area. I can be a loyal friend, an activities friend, acquaintance, pen pal...internet only or in pressure. With regards to a more serious long term relationship, participation will have to be in person...I do want a family, therefore a female 18-31 years of age would be best. I have varied interests. I enjoy traveling and have lived in cities across the USA. I used to go to Tampa Bay Lightening games - 2 time Stanley Cup Champs.

I like to write. I have co-written TTRPG (table top role-playing games, gameplay dynamics, storyline text, illustrations), historical fiction and co-authored a molecular genetics diseases chapter in a medical textbook. I am the DM of a Dungeons & Dragons game that has been running for three years. I enjoy offshore fishing, long hikes in the Lake Mead area and shorter hikes with my dog. I enjoy swing dance...any volunteers for a partner?

I am financially sound and fiscally conservative. I have a Bachelors degree from Univ. North Carolina Chapel Hill, a BSN from Univ. South Florida. I am currently a RN at Henderson Hosp, NV. My LSAT scores are sufficient for a top 30 School and am saving for tuition should I pursue Law School, accounting-finance etc. Interests include hospital risk management, history of law, estate law. I do a lot of other interesting and quaint hobbies, but that should be left to future conversations.
First Date
I would like to keep it simple...maybe a small cafe, how about Baklava a la carte at a Greek Bistro or a Turkish Coffee? I think the first meeting should have some spontaneity. We should keep it light and involve a bit of curiosity. Just talk.
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Any Age.
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