Rorav is Single in Broward, Florida


( Companionship, for a loving , caring Serious Relationship ).

Male | 47
United States
Last Login Date
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Rorav is Single in Broward, Florida, 1 Rorav is Single in Broward, Florida, 2 Rorav is Single in Broward, Florida, 3 Rorav is Single in Broward, Florida, 4 Rorav is Single in Broward, Florida, 5 Rorav is Single in Broward, Florida, 6 Rorav is Single in Broward, Florida, 7 Rorav is Single in Broward, Florida, 8
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My beliefs are spiritual. To cherish God directly.
Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
Church Attendance
On special occasion
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Medical / Dental Equipment & PC Software Technician
Exploring, venturing, weekend getaways, sight seeing, hiking, walking, different routines, cooking and inventing meals.
About Me
( Me ) - ( Seeking a Companionship leading to a SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP ).
I'm organized, reserve and protective of my surroundings. I can be a little shy at times , but i am open, willing to listen and communicate. I am responsible in my routines and daily tasks. I don't like to do things in the last minute. I rather like to plan things out and stick with it. Life is difficult and complicated, so I like to be a step ahead to achieve a smooth transition every day. I like to have an open mind and be positive to everything. In a household and living with a partner, I like to cook, participate, spending special quality time together, weekend get-aways, walking on beaches and being just a true hearted person. I like the simple things in life that 2 people can share to be happy and emotional involve together.

( Spanish ) translation : ( Busco Compañera para una RELACION SINCERA SERIO ).
Soy organizado, reservado y protectora de mi entorno. Puedo ser un poco tímido a veces, pero estoy abierto, dispuesto a escuchar y comunicarme. Soy responsable en mis rutinas y tareas diarias. No me gusta hacer las cosas en el último minuto. Prefiero planificar las cosas y apegarme a ellas. La vida es difícil y complicada, por eso me gusta estar un paso adelante para lograr una transición tranquila todos los días. Me gusta tener una mente abierta y ser positivo para todo. En una casa y viviendo con una pareja, me gusta cocinar, participar, pasar tiempo especial y de calidad juntos, escapadas de fin de semana, caminar por las playas y ser simplemente una persona de corazón. Me gustan las cosas simples de la vida que dos personas pueden compartir para ser felices y emocionales.
First Date
(1st. date) -
Communication, quiet and peaceful environment. Combining our interest. Sharing thoughts and opinions. Involving, Coffee or a meal for relaxation.

( Future Partner ) -
A person that is serious to commit a ( person to person / face to face) communication. To know each other completely as friends and into a faithful, loving and understanding relationship. A person that can invest, dedicate, devote, compromise in sharing a bond and a future relationship. I don't plan to be on dating site forever to find the special person. (If your willing to put in the effort to have a good partner in your life, I can focus with you and meet you half way to achieve our goals......). No games. Just seeking a pure, honest and (((serious minded woman))) to enjoy life together. (Hand to Hand, Mano a mano).

( Spanish ) translation:
Una persona que es seria para cometer una comunicación (persona a persona / cara a cara). Conocerse completamente como amigos y en una relación fiel, amorosa y comprensiva. Una persona que pueda invertir, dedicarse, dedicarse, comprometerse en compartir un vínculo y una relación futura. No planeo estar en un sitio de citas para siempre para encontrar a la persona especial. (Si estás dispuesto a esforzarte por tener un buen compañero en tu vida, puedo concentrarme contigo y encontrarte a mitad de camino para lograr nuestras metas......). No juegos. Solo busco una mujer pura, honesta y (((mujer de mentalidad seria))) para disfrutar de la vida juntos. (Mano a Mano)
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Any Age.

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