janjiie is Single in Aberdeen, Scotland


Jesus, people, animals!!

Female | 56
United Kingdom
Last Login Date
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janjiie is Single in Aberdeen, Scotland, 1 janjiie is Single in Aberdeen, Scotland, 2 janjiie is Single in Aberdeen, Scotland, 3 janjiie is Single in Aberdeen, Scotland, 4 janjiie is Single in Aberdeen, Scotland, 5
Eye Color
Body Type
A Few Extra Pounds
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
civil servant
outdoors, indoors, cultural or down to earth!
About Me
Here's a snapshot of me, obviously there is much more than can be written, first and foremost, please ask God if I could be yours, that's all you really need.

I love to travel, learn and experience new things - not so much fun doing it alone though! I've spent the last 16yrs raising my three boys by myself, they are a joy, but now all grown and away from home. I have worked in support roles in most of my jobs, developing and encouraging people, I have worked for the charity sector, managed staff and volunteers, I currently work for the UK government which is challenging and satisfying - weird really. Looking for a companion in the Lord to laugh and do life with, I have always been active, love the outdoors, currently aiming to keep fit, strong and flexible physically and mentally as long as possible!! I grew up in the Anglican church, but with an extrovert personality I've found myself in more pentecostal spirit lead churches which is much more my style. Fully Bible based including all the gifts and fruits of the spirit.
I love the outdoors, meeting people, and animals!!
Friends describe me as an outgoing and bubbly personality, the life and soul of the party - but I do have a quieter side. I can be romantic, sensitive and contemplative, and have become accustomed to my own company, which I suppose means I can thrive in most situations - too much of my own company though just now - which is where you might come in?!! ;-)

The search on this site doesn't seem to be great, as I am a tall lady I am looking for a tall guy, if you're under 6" I'm afraid you're not for me! I currently live in Scotland as that is where God has placed me, I'm open to relocating, but only with a clear lead from God.
First Date
Coffee in a cafe seems boring but sensible - I'd really prefer a divine suddenly without the planning and anticipation!
Account Settings (To message janjiie you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 47 to 64.
Must not Smoke.
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