ichtus236 is Single in Saint-Georges, Quebec


Post Tenebras Lux

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ichtus236 is Single in Saint-Georges, Quebec, 1 ichtus236 is Single in Saint-Georges, Quebec, 2 ichtus236 is Single in Saint-Georges, Quebec, 3 ichtus236 is Single in Saint-Georges, Quebec, 4 ichtus236 is Single in Saint-Georges, Quebec, 5 ichtus236 is Single in Saint-Georges, Quebec, 6 ichtus236 is Single in Saint-Georges, Quebec, 7 ichtus236 is Single in Saint-Georges, Quebec, 8
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Administrative agent
Theology, Economy, Politics, Creation science, Education, etc.
About Me
Describe the type of relationship you are looking for. What qualities would you like in this relationship or person?

I'm looking for a "Jesus-Christ and His Church" type of relationship. Biblical love is a commitment, not just an emotion, and I want my future family to be a Christian manifesto of this truth.

I want you to love Jesus-Christ, our Lord and Savior, more than anything or anybody else, including me... though I want to be close second! Meekness; being strong, but nevertheless sweet and kind, is a virtue I admire greatly.

I would love for you, my future spouse, to be completely dedicated to our Lord and to have a strong faith, granted we are all imperfect. I would also love for you to be first and foremost home and family-oriented.

I would love to be sincerely admired by you. And I would love to be told again and again that I am. I pray I will be sustaining, nurturing, devoted as all Christian husbands should be. I intend to build you up, by God's grace, as well as our children. As Christ is doing for His bride, I want to present you glorious to the Father, to set you apart by the washing of the Word (Eph 5. 26, 27).

I am seeking for a deep connection. I prefer profound and thoughtful conversations to small talk. Still, I would love for us to connect all the way down to the small talks and the small things.

I would love to laugh with you. I want to make you smile and laugh, and I hope you make me smile and laugh also.

I would love to be touched by you, a lot (once married). I love physical demonstrations of affection, Although I have been careful all my life in regards to physical intimacy, I have learned, by being very close to my previous pastor's family, that I love to touch and being touched (appropriately, for this setting, it should go without saying). More concerning purity in the last section, below.

You are definitely not after things. You want to have children. Therefore, you are probably younger than I am.

A man's house is his castle. I am looking for my princess, my queen. I want you to love Jesus-Christ, our Lord and Savior, more than anything or anybody else, including me... though I want to be close second! Meekness; being strong, but nevertheless sweet and kind, is a virtue I admire greatly. I want you, my future spouse, to be completely dedicated to your Lord and to have a strong faith, granted we are all imperfect. I would love for you to be first and foremost home and family-oriented. Having an interest in gardening would be great. Finally, especially with the state of our public schools, I cannot have my future children -for whom I shall be accountable to God- being educated and trained by atheists, secularists, humanists, etc. A good Christian school or home-school are the options I believe.

Describe a little of your personality and character traits.

According to my closest friends, I have both a funny and a serious side. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: (...) A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance (...) a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing"
(Ecc 3. 1, 4, 5b).

Personality Test would be ISFJ-A, but the test shows I'm pretty balanced.

To anyone interested in knowing me, I will send my Flag Page. If you don't know about Mark Gungor's Flag Page, I suggest you visit the website and get your own Page. It has been quite revealing to me. And it really gives a quick and faithful portrait of who I am. It is a great tool to help anybody know about anybody else. :)

As for love languages (Gary Chapman), here are mine in order, beginning with the strongest (though the first 4 are somewhat balanced): 1. Words of affirmation, 2. Quality time, 3. Physical Touch, 4. Acts of service, 5. Gifts.

Describe your Christian faith. Where are you at and what are your goals? What Scripture verses are important to you?

To know Him better, to love Him better, to serve Him better. The Lord has still so much to do with me!

"Man's chief and highest end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever" (WLC, A.1).

I want to uphold truth in all aspects of life. God has shared His will not only to individuals, but also to and for the family (the basic unit of any society), the Church, the State, and for every area of life and thought. Everything must be brought under Christ's dominion.

To serve Him better, I hope I can get married, start a family, finish my Master degree in theology and further the Kingdom through preaching and teaching.

All Scripture is important to me, but Jer 29.11 brings much comfort.

What are your favorite activities?

I love reading, meditating and studying the Word of God. I also own and (try to) read tons of books. I enjoy playing guitar, writing and composing.

I used to practice lots of sports and was very good at it, but a pain in my spine prevents me from being as active as I used to be.

What are some of your personal goals in life?

God, wife, kids, vocation.

To know God and serve Him with all my heart.

To be the kind of men which my wife will be thrilled to accompany and help in accomplishing God's work; one who will emulate Christ's sacrificing love for His Bride.

To be a loving, teaching and disciplining father, imitating our Father in Heaven; one willing and equipped to catechize our children in orthodoxy and orthopraxy.

To further God's kingdom in the world, preaching and teaching all things whatsoever Christ has commanded us.

One project I started and would love to finish by New Year's eve 2020 is putting the Westminster Shorter Catechism into melodies; since I intend to catechize our kids -if the Lord graciously entrust some to us- it will be a pleasure and delight to learn and sing it into memory. By God's grace, this will become a rich family tradition and a heavenly rejoicing.

Lord willing, I would love to buy a house in the countryside, plant fruit trees, a garden, and give a thoroughly Christian education to our children.

How did your previous relationship end and what positive lessons have you learned which will help you succeed in future relationships?

In all those years, I have been dating only twice. I learned from God, from my own experience and from the experiences of others, that one must not fool around when it comes to "romance". The one I will date, hopefully, I will marry.

Since Bible school, which I attended as a teenager, I have sought to read, and listen as much as I could on topic of the family. It started with an excellent conference on Psalm 127 by Joe Jordan, books, sermons and conferences by Douglas Wilson, R.C. Sproul Jr, Mark Gungor, Herman Bavinck and many others.

Though I haven't heard them in years, the words of Joe Jordan still echo in my heart and mind. Developing on the marriage covenant with his wife, he stressed: "To serve Him better, I need her. To serve Him better, she needs me". He and his wife had "To serve Him better" engraved on the inside of their wedding rings. Let it be also true for my wife and I. May He be glorified.

"Except the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it" (Psalm 127).

Thoughts to ponder; quotes from the work "The Christian Family" by the great Dutch Reformed theologian Herman Bavinck:

"The history of the human race begins with a wedding".

"Immediately at creation God implanted within the man's soul the yearning for loving someone who would be like him (...) The creation of the woman was preceded by the sense of need, which the first man discovered in his own heart, amid all his abundance; even having been created in God's image could not satisfy that need. So the woman is the answer to the question that flowed from the man's heart and across his lips. She is the answer to his prayer, the gift God so richly and lovingly bestowed upon him".

"... the manner in which the woman received her existence served to place her in the kind of relationship to the man such that she is inseparably bound to him..."

"In an absolute sense, then, she is a gift of God, the greatest gift that God could give to the man who had been created in his image - a gift that the man must therefore receive and value as given from the Lord's own hand".

"For that (to fill the earth and to subdue it and exercise lordship), he needs a helper; a woman, who does not stand above him to dominate him, nor beneath him as one degraded to the status of a tool for pleasure, but one who stands alongside him, stationed at his side and therefore formed from his side".

"God made two out of one, so that he could then make the two into one, one soul and one flesh".

"A man separates from his parents, forsakes father and mother, and cleaves to his wife; but he never abandons his wife! Love for parents is surpassed in both intensity and extent by love for one's wife. Such love is stronger than death. No other love resembles God's love so closely, or reaches such height".

Is there anything else you would like to add? This is your chance to get in that last (but not least:-) bit of important info that you would like others to know.

I have kept myself sexually pure for my wife. Even my lips are virgin; I never even had a kiss (romantically) and it is not for a lack of opportunities. I have chosen to honor my wife (or fiance, soon to be wife) with the first one. And no, I'm not made out of wood; it has meant sacrifice to be faithful to this conviction, but I intend to catch up someday with my only one!!! :)

Given those circumstances, the following quote is very apropos: "Time has a good deal to do with testimony; time enters very subtly into all things human and mundane. Men may make a ladder in a very short time, but who can make a tree? - and how constantly we are mistaking a tree for a ladder, or a ladder for a tree! Time makes the tree; time makes character; time makes practical theology" (Joseph Parker, The People's Bible, vol. 4, p.85).

I'm a man of principle, but I can be quite "romantic". I have written a few love songs, one of which I hope to be able to sing to my wife on our wedding day. It is inspired from a few sentences in Song of Songs and reserved for her. Though it has been written for many years, I have sang it only partially to family and friends. I want my wife to be the first to hear it all.

Those lyrics from Nat King Cole's beautiful song are most appropriate and fit perfectly:

"When I fall in love,
It will be forever
Or I'll never fall in love.
In a restless world like this is,
Love is ended before it's begun,
And too many moonlight kisses
Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun.

When I give my heart,
It will be completely
Or I'll never give my heart.
And the moment I can feel that
You feel that way too
Is when I fall in love with you.

And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too
Is when I'll fall in love with you".

I have been waiting such a long time, for the right lady and the right moment. Hopefully, it will all be blessed and beautifully woven by the Lord.

I'm pretty much into health food, eat lots of veggies, often in delicious smoothies. I tend to avoid foods rich in phytates (anti-nutrients) and gluten.
First Date
A cafe, a restaurant, a park, a church maybe. Anywhere, as long as we can be relax, share and get to know each other while enjoying each other's presence. A walk in nature would be great. One thing I would not like to do is see your face for the first time. Please, if you want to contact me, it would be nice to post a picture of you.
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