BrotherSteven is Single in WAYNESBORO, Virginia


Uncle Sam is a sweet old man who works for cia R.T.

Male | 55
United States
Last Login Date
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BrotherSteven is Single in WAYNESBORO, Virginia, 1 BrotherSteven is Single in WAYNESBORO, Virginia, 2 BrotherSteven is Single in WAYNESBORO, Virginia, 3 BrotherSteven is Single in WAYNESBORO, Virginia, 4 BrotherSteven is Single in WAYNESBORO, Virginia, 5 BrotherSteven is Single in WAYNESBORO, Virginia, 6 BrotherSteven is Single in WAYNESBORO, Virginia, 7 BrotherSteven is Single in WAYNESBORO, Virginia, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Big Guy
Hair Color
Mixed Color
Looking For
Church Name
BBN Radio Ministry theres Muusic Sermons Pastoral line Bible Study a Prayer line The Audience PraysPrograms For Kids over fifty million listeners a Day tune in download the app
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but not living at home
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
I Pray To Be Successful By John 3:16 I disabled I want to help Spread The Gospel
I reviewing my interests
About Me
My Sabbath Is Saturday Sit Earliest Day Remember The Sabbath Day To Keep It Holy sunday is the worship of ra the sun god

They think they can do hate crimes and other things I happy to find God

I want to sow seeds I don't want to be distracted

I Pro Life One Man One Woman Marriage socialist There is Only Communes Socialist I Trying Not Seeking Revenge I Must Forgive I Have No Political Party I Conservative For The Poor

I pro Israel That is The Promised Land To The Chosen People By God and It Was The 70th Jubilee That is when they get their land back I will also add 911 was an inside job too much evidence I saw farenhieght 911

I do not like to argue I do not hit

I disabled there is very promising medicine research i looking forward too my disability isn't really visible

i not interested in movies except Christian I do like documentarys my favorite movie is Pay It Forward

I mostly listen to contemporary Christian Music

Ive looked at lyrics like sledge hammer 99 red balloons presidents of the United states peaches and volcano beck etc I looked back at a few songs I sure there lots of them that are demonic lots of people and the demonic prepping for the one world disorder

FEAR, WORSHIP,TRUST ONLY GOD, PRAY TO ONLY GOD IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I a hypocrite too I trying though I've been getting better

Please scammers etc remember 7 fold and any weapon formed against you shall not prosper

Christian Music i like We The Kingdom, TMac, Lauren Daigle, Crowder, Zack Williams, Hillsong Worship and Many More. I also like Christian Blue Grass

I've gotten into

i have trouble with technology tech walls hurdles we cant get over we to smart for our own good it takes one person to make mistake or intentionally to destroy mankind The Creator God Needs To Intervene

i also believe companies like apple etc are social conditioning for the mark of the beast as they develop for in right hand and on forehead Wich can mean over eyes like virtual reality
First Date
Id like to have a picnic in a park and talk Thanks for reading. Peace Be With you. God Bless. Jesus Won The End Is A New Beginning
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