Gtlewhspr is Single in PASCO, Washington


Not Willing To Give Up On God's Design Yet

Male | 65
United States
Last Login Date
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Gtlewhspr is Single in PASCO, Washington, 1 Gtlewhspr is Single in PASCO, Washington, 2 Gtlewhspr is Single in PASCO, Washington, 3
Eye Color
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Southern Baptist
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Local Baptist Church
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Southern Baptist
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Procedure Writer-Technical Editor/Writer
I like being active no matter what the season or temperature. That means summer, winter activities like hunting and fishing, snow and water skiing camping, etc. however, I haven't been able to do them as much lately.
About Me
I will not be active online very much as I have fallen ill. I will be focusing on my treatment and recovery. The Lord has been very gracious with the side effects and I am blessed to have him by my side. Good luck in your search.

Hello, I hope you're having a great day. I'm a born again believer in Jesus Christ. I believe the Bible is God's user manual for life and how we are to live with each other. Sometimes it is more difficult than others to live out God's design for our life however, I work at it as best as I can and when my efforts are not enough, which is often, the Holy Spirit helps me.

I'm looking to build a marriage relationship with a woman that desires to pray, study the bible, share devotions with me either prepared or inspired, and is prepared to become a new creation together demonstrating to our family and those around us that God's design for marriage is a blessing and not a burden.

I know we are not perfect and have made mistakes in the past however, we are a learning from our mistakes to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Leaving the mistakes in the past while lovingly, encouraging each other in the constant learning from the past so we don?t repeat them in our future.

No one can learn all and live perfectly in God?s will so, giving love, patience, grace, mercy to each other, as God has given us, has to be foundational if we are to be an example to those around us.

I am considered a Christian Conservative and while Trump would put his foot in his mouth, I voted for Trump and would again if he runs. I am Pro-Life, Pro 2nd Amendment, and a Pro Constitutional Republic Patriot. I celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas, not santa, the death burial and resurrection of my Savior on Easter, not bunny rabbits, or Halloween anymore. Halloween is either date night with my Wife or supporting my churches harvest festival.

I am unvaxed and my vaccination mandate religious exemption has been accepted and accommodation put in place. I feel strongly about my position and would like my future wife and I to be on the same page in this area. While I have accepted vaccinations prior to 2019, this whole COVID political fiasco has opened my eyes to the unfortunate direction the medical/pharmaceutical industry is going. The care givers have been put in a difficult position and they should be appreciated for their commitment to the care of others. The "industry" however, has gone woke.

I prefer to be active in life and not just watch it pass by. I am getting back into fitness and excersize as I have been too sedentary, during COVID, for my liking. For me it is relative. I like eating healthy, anti-inflammatory/mediterranean diet direction. I also like a good steak and potato.

I go to church weekly and Church Life Group Leaders parties, Christmas, or just because parties with no problem however, filling my week with group activity after group activity is not my idea of fun. I'll do these things so I can be around My Love, but need down time with My Babe to recover. I have nightly devotions and prayer and will research what God says about a subject when I get a "Wild Hair". That can happen often. It would be nice for my Wife to be involved also.

I like playful banter as long as it is respectful. When it gets disrespectful, it's Not playful banter. I can be humorous while not a good joke teller. I don't usually take myself too serious while being serious about what matters.

I currently write procedures and coordinate Job Hazard Analysis for operation of commercial processes for hazardous waste storage and the operation and maintenance of industrial equipment. I like the technical aspect of the job while I am NOT an technical editor. There are more talented people than myself that can edit better. To go any further is starting to sound like a job interview so, we can discuss later. I work 4 ten hour days Monday through Thursday and my alarm goes off at 3:15 in the morning and I get home around 5:15 to 5:30 in the evening. I try and get my dinner, errands, and devotion done and get in bed by 7:30 to get a good night sleep. It makes for a long day.

I am a creative, imaginative, DIYer type with a good, not perfect, knowledge of when I am over my head...learned the hard way.

As for my beard, I'm still deciding whether to keep it or not. I figure on having some fun with it for a while i.e. "All I need to know about the weather I get from my beard" series of photos. I have a "Lightning Warning" pic so far. Planning a "Tornado Warning", "Flood Warning", "High Wind Advisory", "Blizzard Warning", etc. Haven't figured out "Hurricane Warning" or "Heat Warning" yet.

May God bless you with the man of your dreams.
First Date
A first date may be after we talk on the phone and video chat such that we decide we want to meet in person. A nice casual place or activity that doesn't have so much noise that we can't hear each other talk.
Account Settings (To message Gtlewhspr you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 50 to 65.
Must not Smoke.
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