DonMan81 is Single in FUQUAY VARINA, North Carolina


Do you like fat guys with no money? I'm your guy!!!

Male | 43
United States
North Carolina
Last Login Date
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DonMan81 is Single in FUQUAY VARINA, North Carolina, 1 DonMan81 is Single in FUQUAY VARINA, North Carolina, 2 DonMan81 is Single in FUQUAY VARINA, North Carolina, 3 DonMan81 is Single in FUQUAY VARINA, North Carolina, 4 DonMan81 is Single in FUQUAY VARINA, North Carolina, 5 DonMan81 is Single in FUQUAY VARINA, North Carolina, 6 DonMan81 is Single in FUQUAY VARINA, North Carolina, 7
Eye Color
Body Type
A Few Extra Pounds
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Fuquay-Varina Church of Christ
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Specialty/Trade School
My Profession
Construction Materials Transportation
Jesus, Theology, Philosophy, Cooking, Baking, Craft Beer, Video Games, Board Games, Comic Books, Cartoons, Softball, Volleyball, Reading, 80s/90s Movies, 80s/90s Music, Bowling, Backyard Bonfires, Game Nights with friends, Bible Study, Exercise/Working Ou
About Me
Hey, how's it going? I'm Don. Nice to meet ya! I'm just an average guy for the most part looking to meet my best friend, future wife and one day mother of my children. I'm 42, about 6ft tall and just to be up front, I'm also what you'd call a "big boy". I'm working on trimming down and getting fit. I've changed my eating habits and I'm trying to live a more active lifestyle but I'm still a heavy set man. So, if that makes you uncomfortable, I get it, no worries. I wish you the best of luck in your search. I live in Fuquay-Variana NC, work in a family trucking business with my father and mother. I did culinary arts training in 2019 and even had an internship at Disney World in early 2020 but as we all know, 2020 wasn't a good year for anyone. I was only there for about 3 weeks before everything got shut down and I had to return home to NC. I was blessed though to be able to return to work in my family business. I attend Fuquay-Variana Church of Christ. I recommited my life to Christ in 2014 and have been trying to live in a manner pleasing to God ever since. I'm closer to my church family in many ways much more so than my biological family. I'm here praying to find my life and worship partner. I know that for any marriage to be successful and thrive, God must be the foundation and the pillar with which that relationship is built upon. I trust God to continue to build me, mold me and guide me into a man worthy of that great gift called wife! I'm letting the Lord train me up, grow my faith and knowledge of Him so that when I do finally meet the woman destined to be my wife, I am a man she can be proud of and grateful to call husband. I do my best to live up to being the man God would have me be. I serve in my local church in what ever ways I can and I've found that in the service of helping others, the Lord has helped me heal and become more humble and grateful for all His wondrous blessings! I'm fairly laid-back and easy going. I enjoy friends, food and fun! Actually I'm somewhat of a nerdy kind of guy. I like sci-fi and fantasy books, tv and movies. I enjoy videogames and comics. I enjoy nothing better than a board game night with friends! I'd much rather eat a bowl of Captain Crunch on the livingroom floor and watch Saturday morning cartoons (back when there was such a thing) then tinker in the garage, mow the lawn or watch football. Sometimes I feel more like I'm little kid instead of 41 but then I throw my back out moving a chair in the living and remember I'm not. I also enjoy the flea market at the State Fair Grounds, thrift store shopping, yard sale hunting, singing karaoke (mostly 90's rock and tons of Smashing Pumpkins), go-kart racing, putt putt golf, bowling, dancing (even though I'm terrible at it, I still try), cooking and baking (I've been on a little bit of a baking frenzy as of late). I also enjoying reading and studying theology and philosophy. I'm no theologian or philosopher but I do enjoy trying to sound like one at times. Yet I maintain a modest lifestyle. Nothing fancy mind you but a decent one. I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food to eat (some might argue that I have too much of that), a good job and family close by. All in all, God has truly blessed me beyond anything I ever deserved and for that I am most grateful! And to top it all off, the Lord blessed me with one of the greatest church bodies to belong to, the Fuquay Varina Church of Christ. They have been so wonderful in welcoming me and accepting me and just making me feel like apart of their family and the family of God that I am eternally thankful to them and to the Lord! I'm seeking a relationship that will ultimately end in a good, godly and biblical marriage and I hope that the woman I meet here is also looking for the same thing. I've been single for nearly a decade now and I'm ready to begin the next chapter in my life. My faith is very important to me and it's the number one thing I am looking for in any possible dating relationship. I'm looking for a woman who takes her faith seriously and is willing to talk, discuss, debate and just nerd out over theology. That is first and foremost. Secondary to that, I'm just looking for someone who I can share some of my interests with and do fun activities with and who is willing to participate in the things I enjoy. But as we know, relationships are a two way street, so I too am willing to do the same for her. I'm looking for a "help meet", a partner, a friend and a lover. As Proverbs 18:22 says, "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord." NKJV

What will I do and accomplish in the next five years:
My hopes are that in 5 years I will have found the woman God meant for me and we are building a life and and family together as we both grow in love and in faith in Christ. Only God truly knows where I will be. I pray that my hopes and desires are in line with His will.

To me, being a Christian means:
Simply living differently than the world lives. It means understanding that God is in control and I am just a part of His creation. It means seeking a relationship with God in Christ and not just following a so called "religion". It means not being perfect but trusting in Him who is.

My favorite Bible passage and why:
"Trust the Lord your God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." This is one of my favorites because it's a reminder that we can never fully understand the plan of God but if we trust Him, he always has our well being at heart.
First Date
I find a good first meeting at a coffee shop or casual Tavern for drinks is often a good idea. It's easy, laid back and allows us to get to know one another with little pressure or expectation.
Account Settings (To message DonMan81 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 21 to 41.
Must not Smoke.

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