mrh82 is Single in PORTSMOUTH, Virginia


Looking for a marriage partner

Male | 41
United States
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mrh82 is Single in PORTSMOUTH, Virginia, 1 mrh82 is Single in PORTSMOUTH, Virginia, 2 mrh82 is Single in PORTSMOUTH, Virginia, 3 mrh82 is Single in PORTSMOUTH, Virginia, 4 mrh82 is Single in PORTSMOUTH, Virginia, 5 mrh82 is Single in PORTSMOUTH, Virginia, 6 mrh82 is Single in PORTSMOUTH, Virginia, 7 mrh82 is Single in PORTSMOUTH, Virginia, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Apostolic Assembly of God
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Churchland Assembly of God
Church Attendance
Once or Twice a month
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Chess, hiking, video games (especially Halo, and old school games), movies
About Me
READ MY ENTIRE PROFILE DESCRIPTION. Most people look, but still ask about the pictures of the woman. I do not mind answering questions. However, maybe if you read, you could answer your question before you ask it.

*(Explanation about the woman at the bottom.)

I have Telegram and WhatsApp. I won't give out WhatsApp because I don't want scammers to have my number. I will share my Telegram ID @MHBMA , only if you are genuine.

Please, no ghosting after establishing a friendship. That stuff hurts, and you shouldn't be using this app if that's the type of person you are going to be. A ghosting person is not marriage worthy, lacks immaturity, and is questionable as to being a Christian. Ghosting is not loving as we ought to love others. God says love friends and enemies. Please check your heart for a moment, do you truly love God, or are you like a Laodicean, and in danger of being cast into the outer darkness upon death. Also, please be aware that Christians are allowed to gently correct each other, the Bible teaches this. We are ALL human, subject to error, and need reminders from each other from time to time.

My name is Michael. I am easy going and laid back. I have a sarcastic humor. One of the pictures is me eating a whole carrot like Bugs Bunny. So, what's up doc? I am looking for a woman to get to know and build a family with. I am looking for a Christian woman who has God first. I don't have kids and I want to settle down with someone who doesn't already have kids. I am interested in having kids, but from our marriage.

I want to be equally yoked with a Christian woman of traditional values.

I think long distance and overseas relationships are okay to start. However, I believe the distance gap will have to be closed to properly date to court for marriage, if a friendship transitions to more. If someone wants to say hello, that is okay. It might sometimes take a day or 2 to respond depending on my workload.

I am getting my feet wet again in this process. I have gone through some "healing." I would just ask someone to be understanding.

TO SCAMMERS: I choose to forgive you, but I do not appreciate lies and deception. I am here for a purpose. I would pray that you repent and turn to Jesus. The choice is yours. If you are a scammer, I will find your lies and root you out.

*I have also included a woman in my pictures now. That is a Filipino woman I had video chats with online (I had someone verify by listening to her accent from voice messages). She is or was a victim of trafficking, forced into performing scams out of what Interpol calls scam hubs. If you ever come across her, let me know, and also report it to the local authorities. I am concerned about her well-being. Thank you. (Beware of jobs that would send you to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, or Myanmar. Job scams there will make you a trafficking victim with unpleasant results. Do not even visit those countries as a tourist, as they also kidnap people for those scam hubs.) Through some investigation, she was probably trafficked to KK Park in Myanmar, one of the worst scam hubs to go to.

I have her pictures here as a warning for others. While I am seeking a wife, I wish to warn others. Even if facing job difficulties, one must still be wise and careful. Jobs must be thoroughly checked against other sources, especially when traveling for a job. I pity the woman, but she is an example of not being careful and falling for the lies of the devil about seeking money. The devil seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. The devil particularly hates Christians and wants to find ways to lead them away from God. If you are reading this and have friends (regardless of guy friends or gal friends) thinking about doing the same, please warn them. You just might save them from torment, or even save their life.

The woman was used against me to scam me.

**In my description, when I say I can relocate, I mean within my country.

I want to set down some reality versus dreamy hopes. I am open to saving money to visit someone in a different country. But I want them to come back here to live with me in this country, instead of over there, if marriage is decided. I think many women forget the narrative of Ruth and Boaz. Ruth set aside her own land to go live with her husband in his land. So many think of romance from stories and movies, but forget that is the world's view, not the view of the Bible. Also, the reality of today's times and economy is that the wife may also have to work also, and not just stay at home, making exceptions for child rearing. Proverbs 31 states that the wife is in the market place (working, making income to take home to the family).
First Date
Get a cup of coffee and get to know the person.
Account Settings (To message mrh82 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 20 to 45.
Must not Smoke.
Appears on 37 members favorites lists

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If you suspect this member is a SCAMMER or is being deceitful PLEASE CLICK HERE and let us know so that we can check them out