TrustingInHim52 is Single in Spring, Texas



Female | 54
United States
Last Login Date
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TrustingInHim52 is Single in Spring, Texas, 1 TrustingInHim52 is Single in Spring, Texas, 2 TrustingInHim52 is Single in Spring, Texas, 3 TrustingInHim52 is Single in Spring, Texas, 4 TrustingInHim52 is Single in Spring, Texas, 5 TrustingInHim52 is Single in Spring, Texas, 6 TrustingInHim52 is Single in Spring, Texas, 7
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
African American
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Loving Word Fellowship
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
Masters/Post Grad
My Profession
Retired Army
I enjoy going to church where I'm an active member. I am a part of our online ministry team. I enjoy meeting people that share my faith. I enjoy working out, writing and traveling out of state to spend time with my family. The park is a place of solace f
About Me
I am a retired Army Veteran of 23 years. I am originally from SC where I was born and raised. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters alongside a plethora of nieces and nephews. I am enjoying my life to the fullest; however, it would be better enjoyed with a man who desires marriage. I desire to date and to ultimately marry a TRUE man of God who loves the LORD. I do not have any children, but I would date someone who has older (preferably adult and independent children). I am a person of integrity, sincerity and loyalty. I will only entertain marriage-minded men. If you are into playing games, I don't have a problem with "showing you the door." I am a communicator....and TALKING via phone is my preference!!! If a man decides that he wants to CONSTANTLY text me, then we will NOT be a good fit. A man that constantly texts means that he is in a committed relationship already, and wants to play games. I desire a man who will act accordingly in the position that God has ordained...a LEADER!

I desire a man who keeps himself in shape, a smoker is a deal-breaker...and a LIAR is definitely a deal-breaker. If you are a Freemason, please PASS ME BY! I am NOT here looking for "FWB", a "hook-up" and am not interested in creating a soul-tie. I do NOT believe in sex before marriage because I will NOT dishonor my body and the LORD.

**I own my own home and car...and I'm financially stable.

I pray that each of you find what God has for you. May God bless and keep each one of you!
First Date
A restaurant, a walk in the park or attend church services together.
Account Settings (To message TrustingInHim52 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 52 to 60.
Must not Smoke.
Appears on 4 members favorites lists

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