Blessed376 is Single in Winter Haven, Florida


Hi nice to meet you, my name is Markevin, I'm 30 years old and I know the Lord in Christ. my faith i

Male | 30
United States
Winter Haven
Last Login Date
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Blessed376 is Single in Winter Haven, Florida, 1 Blessed376 is Single in Winter Haven, Florida, 2 Blessed376 is Single in Winter Haven, Florida, 3 Blessed376 is Single in Winter Haven, Florida, 4 Blessed376 is Single in Winter Haven, Florida, 5 Blessed376 is Single in Winter Haven, Florida, 6 Blessed376 is Single in Winter Haven, Florida, 7 Blessed376 is Single in Winter Haven, Florida, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
African American
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Oasis church
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
HS Graduate
My Profession
My interest is going on dates and spending time with family.
About Me
My heart belongs to you forever and always �'�.
I'm a God fearing man that respect women to be honest with you I'm a easy going person that is assertive. I'm not a type of guy who disrespect women. I love hard my faith in God matters and my faith in God is stronger. I'm 30 years old and have autism high functional I love shopping and going to church and I love reading my Bible and spend time with God and my family. I'm a good man and a respectful person. and I love to help you if you allow me too do so. We shall live in the spirit and walk in the spirit, but I see some of y'all walking in the flesh and living in the flesh Galatians 5:25-26. the main reasons why y'all lonely is because you cause yourself to be afraid hallelujah. God says you are not alone God is with you always he will never leave you nor forsaken you. TRUST IN HIM BELIEVE HE WILL DO EVERYTHING YOU ASK HIM TO DO. some of y'all black folks are ignorant on this dating app some of y'all black people don't want a good man in your life because you playing games with people hearts you desperately want to talk to people and you get mad and block them just because they live far away it doesn't matter y'all black folks need to make up your mind stop playing with people feelings I can't stand a black man or woman who is ignorant seriously and turn your nose down and block them just because they live far away that's crazy PERIOD.
"NO MAN OR WOMAN WAS CALLED TO PREACH THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST THAT MEANS, YOU A LIAR YOU MUST REPENT AMENN" EPHESIANS 5:11, the main reasons why people always against us as chosen ones is because they're jealous of us of your association with us chosen ones according to Deuteronomy 28:7 Amennnnn. the main reasons why y'all don't accountable for your actions is because of "FEAR" Amen. God's word says it's not good for a man to be alone �'". y'all come on here to message me you say you want to date me then you said you don't want to date me then you say you want to be friends and y'all don't like me y'all are racial bias because you don't like me that's your problem I need a real woman that wants to be with me and taking care of me not living at home that wants to be cheap. you people on this dating app are going to hell because you the devil yourselves', you call yourselves Christians no no no, you ain't no Christian on this dating app im going to tell you what you are you the devil yourselves on this app. I'm tired of being alone seriously I want a relationship that will last forever and not play with people feelings that ain't cool. ♿ I'm disabled I believe God says love disabled people like me and other people who are disabled, y'all complain about being single mentioning you want a relationship but turns out that you say all men s*ck I disagree with you but anyways well in my opinion not all men s*ck I'm a man and I don't s*ck so I get the point. and your problem is y'all are profile racial bias prejudice against me because I'm a black person which is not right at all period. and also your problem is y'all looking for love in the wrong places period.
First Date
Going shopping And Spending Time With God first then Family, and I love going to church, and being in the Lord's house. I love shopping and reading God's word.
Account Settings (To message Blessed376 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 30 to 38.

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