RyanV2000 is Single in TULSA, Oklahoma


Looking for something form of love out in the great big ocean

Male | 23
United States
Last Login Date
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RyanV2000 is Single in TULSA, Oklahoma, 1
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Assembly of God
Looking For
Church Name
Destiny Church
Church Attendance
On special occasion
Church Raised In
Assembly of God
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Will be Engineer after graduating this semester
I like to go hiking, camping and traveling, but otherwise love spending time at home.
About Me
I know this is long, so don't worry about reading all of it if you don't want, you can just message if you wish.

I will be graduating this semester from college and will be well educated and will have a well-paying job likely in the central US and would likely be tied down there for several years before moving elsewhere. For the future I mainly want a pet dog or some other animal at some point and looking for someone who may want kids eventually.

About me: I am mildly introverted and like to be relaxed, calm and quiet. I am well-mannered for the most part, and very respectful to others. I am a super patient person with others and always willing to lend an ear, hand, or thoughts.

Likes: I like to go hiking, camping, and traveling, (am an Eagle Scout and did lots of family summer vacation) but otherwise love spending time at home, like sports in general, love F1 both the racing and technical aspects of it, I currently spend my time watching Anime and playing games (Minecraft, GTA, racing simulator games, Sea of Thieves, basically anything that isn't a shooter/FPS) However I will note, that while I love playing video games, I totally understand there is life outside of the online world. I also enjoy reading sci-fi or fiction novels and learning about nearly anything and everything. I am always willing to learn from others and to also teach what I know.

Dislikes: Self-centered/egotistical people, drama, disrespectful to others for minor things. I don’t smoke anything and don’t want to. I have never had a drop of alcohol, however not opposed to you having some drinks here or there yourself.

What I am looking for: Likes watching movies, anime, plays some games but no deal breaker at all if not. Someone that is a tad introverted, is thoughtful of others, kind and silly. And just good with kids in general. Is in my general age range up to 27 or so, but not a hard limit. Prefer someone who is healthy or working on being healthy.

I am also currently not interested in women not in the USA at this moment
First Date
I am up for anything pretty much.

If I was to set up a date myself I would likely design a date around possibly going to a arcade for fun and games and to also be able to be relaxed about it. Otherwise a date focused at some more relaxed place where we can get to know each other more.

I am also willing to go at nearly any pace that someone wants to go at, however that needs to be communicated consistently as I would prefer to not cross any unwanted boundaries.
Account Settings (To message RyanV2000 you must meet the following criteria.)

Any Age.
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