PaulNotTheApostle is Single in Tallahassee, Florida


Male | 34
United States
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PaulNotTheApostle is Single in Tallahassee, Florida, 1 PaulNotTheApostle is Single in Tallahassee, Florida, 2 PaulNotTheApostle is Single in Tallahassee, Florida, 3 PaulNotTheApostle is Single in Tallahassee, Florida, 4 PaulNotTheApostle is Single in Tallahassee, Florida, 5
Eye Color
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Not sure yet
Looking For
Church Name
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
3D Artist
About Me
If you're looking for a man that will take you out, romance you, get you emotionally invested, sexually aroused, and get physical with you .. I'm not the guy. .. actually going to be pretty boring when you first meet me so if you are looking for that great first impression, it's probably not going to happen with me. I do better on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th time around if it even makes it that far. I'm not trying to be your dancing monkey and I don't expect you to be mine. I'm not trying to kiss you and get you home with me the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd night. If that's your secret expectation, you'll be very disappointed but Im certain if that's what you want, you'll have no trouble finding it. You may even think I lack confidence and that's okay. I do especially when I first meet an attractive girl. I'm not in a rush to "smash" even if I wanted too. Sex will come in due time. If you think it's masculine for a guy to be dominant in terms of moving on you sexually fairly quick and that's what you want then I guess I'm just not dominant enough for you. I think the pressure whether spoken or unspoken for physical intimacy is far too much these days - it's uncomfortable to be honest with you. I don't want to kiss you. I don't want to sleep with you unless I trust you enough to have kids with you and love you enough like you're part of my heart. Pretend condoms and birth control didn't exist. You'd probably be a little more careful. I know I would. If we never get there that's okay too. I don't mind walking away from our initial encounter as friends or planning for a 2nd one. What am I looking for in a woman? Beauty, a sweet temperament, not afraid to correct me when I'm wrong but careful when she does it, loving and playful, cares about making sure I look good to others, wise enough not to ever speak negatively about me to her friends or family even if I ever gave her a reason to, wants to build not only an unbreakable relationship with me but have a family together, this one is hard but inexperienced (max 5 guys she's ever been with in her entire life), gets excited when I tell her we're going on a trip somewhere but perfectly content to be at home if not - her priorities are straight. She's not obsessed with social media. Ideally she isn't on social media OR is willing to delete it OR willing to put her social media accounts on my phone and I put mine on hers - no secrets. No trust issues. No provocation to jealousy. She isn't Cardi B. She cooks and cleans or would be willing to do so once she meets me. She's the kind of girl that would buy clothes for me to wear because she thinks it would look good on me, that would naturally start cleaning my house when she comes over cause that's just the kind of girl she is. I could probably go on with what I'm looking for in a woman but this is a good start. If this sounds like you, please do submit your application. Hiring immediately!
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