Julietsia is Single in Bweyogerere, Kampala


Giving it another Try

Female | 36
Last Login Date
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Julietsia is Single in Bweyogerere, Kampala, 1 Julietsia is Single in Bweyogerere, Kampala, 2 Julietsia is Single in Bweyogerere, Kampala, 3 Julietsia is Single in Bweyogerere, Kampala, 4 Julietsia is Single in Bweyogerere, Kampala, 5 Julietsia is Single in Bweyogerere, Kampala, 6
Eye Color
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Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
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Want Children
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
Sales /Marketing
I love DIYS , gym , christian activities , watching movies , making new and constructive friends , Traveling , Road trips , and trying out new things..
About Me
I am a christian  lady (Born again ) saved by Grace through Jesus christ. I love God and believe in the Bible as the only and true word of God. I am grounded in His teachings and i am diligently learning to read the Bible on a daily basis though it isn't an easy thing because i am human but through the spirit of God I push on and i yearn for spiritual growth. I am hard working with a developmental mind set  , honest  ,faithful , committed , appreciative however small it is , loyal , i value communication , i am understanding  , I love doing DIYS , and Crafts. Currently I am into sales and marketing,  making wigs and i am open minded too . I am both an introvert and Extrovert and I love singing , oh yes i minister in choir at my church , Road trips  , i am Adventurous , i love listening to gospel music , gym , sports, christian activities and many more ask me and I will tell you. All I can tell is that you won't regret having me as your wife/ bestie . My prayer is that God molds me into a virtuous woman that I want to be for my future husband (Proverbs 31). i desire to have a lovely family that has its foundation built on love in christ and God's word .

I am seeking a partner who loves God and believes in the Bible as the only word of God . A man who shares the same core values of honesty ,  faithfulness , loyalty , communication  , caring , mutual and spiritual growth. I want a man who is intelligent , understanding  , respectful  , who lives a healthy  life , works out (someone i can always go with to the gym) , read the Bible with , do activities together,  laugh over silly things together  , DO YOU EXIST MY LORD ?. If you do exist may the quickening spirit of God make me visible to your sight and make me worthy to be your wife.Blessings Blessing and Blessings,  Don't forget that Jesus is the way , the truth and the light no one comes to the father except through Jesus Christ John 14:6 .Thank you for reading this far.
First Date
Going for activities and trying out new things .
Account Settings (To message Julietsia you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 35 to 46.
Must not Smoke.
Must not Drink.

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