DontWantKids is Single in Anderson, Indiana



Male | 42
United States
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DontWantKids is Single in Anderson, Indiana, 1 DontWantKids is Single in Anderson, Indiana, 2 DontWantKids is Single in Anderson, Indiana, 3 DontWantKids is Single in Anderson, Indiana, 4 DontWantKids is Single in Anderson, Indiana, 5 DontWantKids is Single in Anderson, Indiana, 6 DontWantKids is Single in Anderson, Indiana, 7
Eye Color
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Looking For
Church Name
None currently
Church Attendance
On special occasion
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Piano Teacher
music, movies, concerts, chess, philosophy, sincerity, decisiveness
About Me
Let's try this again. Here is my novel and thanks for stopping by. Please read my entire profile before responding or initiating anything. I'm an introvert and completely comfortable being alone. I would be fine never meeting anyone hehe. However, I do still believe there is a woman out there who may understand me and who could bring a greater joy into my life.

But seriously, I will be fine either way. Since I don't want kids and I don't get lonely as often as most people, I'm not in a rush to find someone. Basically I'm not going to force anything but if love happens naturally I won't reject it.

I don't want to marry my best friend. That's a weird expression that I never understood. I want to marry the woman who loves me for who I am instead of expecting me to change. I am forever me and I'm different so I mature while my personality remains the same. If I am a certain way I will most likely always be this way. I cannot be summed up in a profile so this bio will most likely be misinterpreted.

I don't expect my match to be perfect in any way. I don't believe there is only one perfect match for each individual and I don't believe in love at first sight. A real relationship is realized slowly and with effort. If you are looking at a possible LDR just know that it won't work as I've already tried it for the last time. If you can relocate, great,,, but if not don't waste your time on me.

I don't have much money and don't desire as many material things as what the current culture is aiming for. I am a simple man and I survive on my own, working less hours due to health reasons. I am content with my choice, and I will never be a slave to work culture again. I am enjoying my life much better by having less money and more free time. THIS DOES NOT MEAN I AM NOT WILLING TO SACRIFICE SOMETHING FOR A GREATER GOOD. It just means I have chosen this lifestlye for greater mental health and physical well-being.

Let me just reiterate… I do not want kids of my own… I don’t have a problem with other people's kids at all… I have two nephews, whom I adore. Despite this decisiveness of mine, I am actually a pretty great guy once you get to know me… Turns out people do not want to talk to someone who does not want kids, and they just keep asking why why why. The sooner you can accept my answer of no, the better off we’ll be. I hope to get a response in a couple years. Thanks!

This epic bio should do a good job of weeding out 99% of potential partners who will obviously not be compatible. Too bad no one reads them anymore haha. On a brighter note, I am optimistic that in no greater than the 3 year (did I say 2 earlier?) window, someone will come along and blow me away with their dedication to reading paragraphs to the very last sentence. Thank you and good night! You've been a great audience! I wish myself good luck in my non-search!
First Date
Something resembling a good time, or perhaps a creative idea! I'm not one for labels.
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Any Age.
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