RatchetTheMedic is Single in Calgary, Alberta


Male | 32
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RatchetTheMedic is Single in Calgary, Alberta, 1 RatchetTheMedic is Single in Calgary, Alberta, 2 RatchetTheMedic is Single in Calgary, Alberta, 3
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Multiple Online Services
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Every week
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Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
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Possibly, who knows
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Education Level
Some School
My Profession
I work where I can unless it contradicts Yahuah’s Torah.
I like to exorcise, read the Word, sleep, teach, think, and talk.
About Me
I love hiking mountain trails, walking the streets, constantly in my own thoughts, and teaching the Word. Plus I love listening to music. Educational and political rap and praise music mainly. I am well aware of the way the world is going. We are truly in the end times and Yahshua will be coming soon. I am political and I love the Canadian constitution even though it is toilet paper now. The Beast is the system and the mark is available for use already. I am not an advocate for violence nor do I support rebelling against the exile we are grafted into. History, Biology, and Science all prove the Scriptures and creation. Yahuah’s Torah by the blood sacrifice of Yahshua Messiah is the only Way to salvation. No other names and no other Torah. Judaism is the Torah of the Pharisees, the traditions of men, says Yahshua. God is Gad. Lord is Ba’al. Christ is Christus. Jesus is Zeus worship. Messiah is already the Greek. If you know anything, it’s that you know nothing at all, because of the grand scale of things, we really do know nothing.

I do not smoke cigarettes, but I do smoke marijuana for my asthma, bunion, and anxiety. Natural medicine over drug sorcery; Big Pharma any day. Praise Yahuah! HalleluYah! I’m going to keep editing this as I think of things to say. I strongly believe that words and meanings of words matter. I am an over-thinker. I second guess myself all the time. I have very poor vision and seeing is second only to hearing. I love to touch and smell my beard. I am strange. I judge myself, so don’t feel left out when I judge you. I am blunt, honest, and I prefer a woman who dresses respectfully. Torah is strict, but it’s only for our wellbeing. A perfect government, a perfect diet, a perfect family, and a perfect heart. What is love? Yahuah’s Torah is the definition of love. Abortion is murder, keep your legs closed. I play games and I joke. I am who I am and I see very little I need to change, but that’s a complicated statement. We’ll never reach the bar that Yahuah demands; hence Yahshua filling the gap, but Yahuah demands that we try our best both bodily and with our hearts. I am a complete failure or hypocrite here. It’s hard being alone in my belief, ‘Taught one’ of Yahuah. I do not believe in factions and neither does Yahuah. If you believe in Yahuah’s entire Word and to keep it then you and I are on the same page. My ethnicity is unknown to me. My colour is white and I know my family comes from England; exiled to Britain for failing in a freedom coup in the 1800’s. It’s in my blood to be a freedom fighter, though my weapon is different, the war is the same. I do not have any children; humans. Kids are goats; livestock. Woe to those nursing and those with little ones in the end for you will experience extreme grief. Yahuah controls the womb, not humanity. Politics?

So I am a communist-liberal based on Torah values. Communism is not marxism. Marxism is fascism. Communism is everyone working together for the betterment of everyone; a Torah way of life. The west is the Erohw of Babel Israel. Britain, France, England, all came from the druids which are the Babylonians. Britain took control over Palestine from the Ottoman Empire which had forced the Palestinians to convert to Islam or be exiled from their land. Why does this matter? Because Scripture says that the poorest of Dan, Benjamin, and Yehudah that were left in the province of Yehudah would remain until the end. Palestine was called Palestine after Rome brutally defeated the Hebrews and the rest of the twelve Hebrew tribes were sent into exile. That’s why that matters. The last of the tribes are being ravaged out of their land like Scripture says will happen in the end. The rest of the exiled tribes can be traced through the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. The twelve tribes are now twelve different ethnicities scattered across the earth. Scripture says that they’ll become like the stars in the heaven or like the sand of the sea; too numerous to count. Woe to those who attack the twelve tribes. Yahuah says that He will curse those who curse them and He will bless those who bless them. Being grafted into that same promise with a renewed covenant is a beautiful thing not to be taken for granted. Every human around you is your neighbour.

I am trying to give as much information as possible about myself and what I believe so I’m not wasting your time. How to pronounce the Creator’s Name, ‘Yah-Who-Ah’. This matters because attempting to say His Name is what is important and completely rejecting Yahuah’s Name for some idol is sin. So much so it led to the first ten tribes getting exiled and Yahuah says that one day His people will no longer call Him Ba’al Gad, but by His Name, Yahuah. Almost 7,000 times does the Word say to keep Yahuah’s Torah and almost 7,000 times does the Word say to respect Yahuah’s Name and to keep it set-apart, so almost 14,000 times does the Word say to respect Yahuah and to keep His Name set-apart, yet it is the most disrespected command in the entire Word. Love is more than just words, it is actions. And I require someone who will hold me to the highest standard of the Word. I am a meat eater, not a milk drinker. It means I am not stuck in elementary matters of the Word, I am in deep and I know that the Word doesn’t contradict itself and that people are just reading it wrong. Most times the context is in the chapter, not the verse. And sometimes you need to read multiple chapters to understand what is happening. I make videos on BitChute. My channel name is, ‘YahshuaSavesByYahuah’. I used to make them on FascistTube(YouTube), but since the covid flu I was censored badly. BitChute hasn’t censored a thing I’ve said. I do not monetize my videos because that is against Torah, to spread the Word for currency profit. FascistBook(Facebook) was my first and they shut me down good. I am a site hopper that gets kicked out, because I am offensive. If you love someone then you’ll tell them the truth and most people don’t like that. I struggle with understanding some emotions and I clump those emotions together with similar emotions, which could be toxic in my understanding.

Greater love has no man than this, to lay down his life for his friends - John 15:13 I read the ISR. Institute of Scripture Research which is a far better translation than most. King James was a freemason and all 2,000 editors were freemasons. The freemasons are the Babylonians. Judaism uses the Babylonian Talmud if that isn’t obvious enough that it is a demonic cult, it contradicts Yahuah’s Torah as well. When I was younger I was a rebellious criminal so I never completed high school and I’m not interested in returning to the indoctrination station. I love animals and took a course in veterinary assistance, but I never followed through on looking for a career as an animal care specialist. I love animals. They have taught me so much that I wish I’d known when I was younger. I have thoughts and I have ideas and the majority of my conversations are in my head. I like to communicate, but I’ve been alone for so long that I also like to be alone sometimes. Alone doesn’t have to be physically alone, but rather silence? Is that the right word? Listening to music in the same area as someone without verbally communicating with them and not really moving could be classified as having alone time.

I have a first aid vest, because you really never know and I’ve seen some things so I can’t be convinced it should come with me wherever I go. I am paranoid, but I believe it is good to be a little paranoid; I lock all the locks on the front door snd double, triple check sometimes if I forget. It’s better to know than not know and wonder. I like to watch people when I’m out and about, because you never know. Sorry for being vague. It is something I require assistance with. I am not ashamed to ask for help, it’s just that I don’t feel I deserve it. Yahuah will bless me or curse me, but praise Him either way. I don’t try to seek out a partner in public, because all I can see is gnirohw or married people. I don’t have very good eye sight. I require glasses to see and without them I can see an inch from my eyes and the rest is blurred. The eyes of the average 80 year old. Which is why I love to see and look. Smelling nature is amazing. I feel like I’ve said this before, but whatever. Poor memory too, eh. They are all symptoms anyways. I don’t really like to think of them as ailments, but rather challenges. They make me work harder to be better. It’s good for ethics when it comes to Yahuah’s Word. I am unvaccinated and unmuzzled in this society. The number of the Beast is willing compliance that violates Yahuah’s Torah. Do you know or have you heard of the prophecy of the Beast and its crowns or toes? It’s the west vs. the east. Two parts of the same Beast system is all it is. Pesah/Passover is where you eat unleavened bread and drink a glass of wine to remember that not only did Yahuah send a messenger in Mitsrayim/Egypt to slay the first born of all who didn’t use the lambs blood on the doorframe as well as to remember the sinless body that died for all of humanity and thus the blood spilled for sin. Sin is breaking or transgressing Yahuah’s Torah. So to live a sinless life is to keep Yahuah’s Torah and Yahshua fills the gap for us.

Sex is the marriage seal by Yahuah’s standard. Not something to screw around with. Adultery is serious and it can happen both mentally and physically if we allow our thoughts room to be evil. No need for government paperwork to say you are married. It is a vow between you and I and the Creator. It is against Torah to break your vows so let your yes be yes and your no be no. I like to paint even though I’m not good at it. I write lyrics and I don’t like music where I can’t understand what is being said. I need a woman of Yahuah, not some dangerously immature girl. The world is coming to the end of Babel Israel. Brutally dark times are ahead of us and not doing it alone would be awesome, but not a requirement. Salvation is individual. I support the twelve tribes of Yisra’êl, but I do not support the Babylonian state of Israel that was established in 1948 by Britain after the British dominated the Ottoman Empire which held Palestine who was forced to convert to Islam. Rome called the area ‘Palestine’ after they brutally defeated the Hebrews during their exile out of the province of Yehudah! They are the remaining of Dan, Benjamin, and Yehudah that were left behind and will remain until the end. ‘Woe to those who curse the twelve tribes! I’m part of the less than 13% who know what the state of Israel scripturally is.
First Date
First hang out? Courting, not dating. Dating is like marriage without calling it a marriage; from the way I see the world do it. Courting is friendship to see if you and I are compatible to be more than friends.
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Age between 20 to 40.
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