esterpilgrim is Single in ., S?o Paulo


First, alliance with YHWH/Yeshua 💍

Female | 25
S?o Paulo
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esterpilgrim is Single in ., S?o Paulo, 1 esterpilgrim is Single in ., S?o Paulo, 2 esterpilgrim is Single in ., S?o Paulo, 3 esterpilgrim is Single in ., S?o Paulo, 4 esterpilgrim is Single in ., S?o Paulo, 5 esterpilgrim is Single in ., S?o Paulo, 6 esterpilgrim is Single in ., S?o Paulo, 7
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Possibly, who knows
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Some College
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My interest is what the Holy Scriptures speaks about about everything! Including, about marriage.
About Me
Shalom! (:
I am Ester, I from Brazil, I am 25 Years old, I like to be a reserved person, so, actually, I detest exhibition, I would not like to do it, but I never met someone who was worth it in person, so I ended up coming here, with great reluctance, I confess... So let me speak some essencial things:
1. The most important information:
Ester is a misery sinner, unfortunately, like everyone, but, by glory of YHWH and by the power of the truth and pure gospel, Ester is a sinner who living in repentance and awe before YHWH, she know how much she need to live in a pilgrimage, against and on opposite the world and, also, against and on opposite of that false system ''world go$pel''.
One my favorite and hard verse that I like bring to life everyday are:
"23Then to everyone Yeshua said, “If anyone wants to come after me, let him say ‘No’ to himself, take up his execution-stake daily and keep following me. 24For whoever tries to save his own life will destroy it, but whoever destroys his life on my account will save it. 25What will it benefit a person if he gains the whole world but destroys or forfeits his own life?" Luke 9:23-25.
''23Someone asked Yeshua, “Are only a few people being saved?” 24 Yeshua answered, “Struggle to get in through the narrow door, because — I’m telling you! — many will be demanding to get in and won’t be able to" Luke 13:23-24. “13Go in through the narrow gate; for the gate that leads to destruction is wide and the road broad, and many travel it; 14but it is a narrow gate and a hard road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Mt 7:13-14.''

I take the Scriptures very seriously! And I am complete in YHWH, so and I refuse an unbiblical marriage, in fact, any kind of approach; and I refuse to have a future pagan/wicked family, so in this case, I would rather to be alone just with YHWH than it. I observe Shabbat and, also, I observe/study all year the parties Biblical of the Scripture; I follow the Diet Biblical. So I value Hebrew roots in the Bible. And I would like to bring those things to my future family.
Another thing that I would not give up it is about adoration/worship; I have a strong conviction that does not exist ''music'' but adoration in form of melody, harmony and rhythm; YHWH created the sound for adoration; and we choice who will we worship, the world, or ourselves, our feelings, experiences, the people and others, or just the Creator of all praise and glory. And I would like to have a future family 100% consecrated for this worship, as well, because I love worship YHWH.

2. Information more basics: I am 25 yeras old, I am Brazilian, so my first language is Portuguese, my second language is English, so, forgive me if I commit some mistakes, and I am very easy to understand Spanish also; so you can send me a message in these languages. I love study Bible, I love worship the YHWH; I love the Creation/Nature of my Father, and I seek to study useful things like: Health, cooking; how to care of house as woman; and anothers. And the rest about me is reseved just future husband. And I seek a ''Pastor''/Leadership for a build a FAMILY for the glory of YHWH; a protector and provider and other things that a man must be by Scripture, and the likewise, I seek to be a woman of according to Scripture.

Please, do not send me a message if you live a life totally different than I wrote above; and only message me if you are between 23-35 max! And also, do not send a message if you were ever talking with another woman, or if you like to have ''friendship with women'' that are not your future wife, do not send me message! And Please do not send me message if case you ''just like my apparence'' I must be call you attention by my faith in the Scripture.

Other contact: Facebook ''Ester Pilgrim'' - [email protected]
First Date
We could see it further together with YHWH.
Account Settings (To message esterpilgrim you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 23 to 35.
Must not Smoke.
Must not Drink.

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