BreKay2013 is Single in Independence, Missouri


Godly Woman

Female | 60
United States
Last Login Date
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BreKay2013 is Single in Independence, Missouri, 1 BreKay2013 is Single in Independence, Missouri, 2 BreKay2013 is Single in Independence, Missouri, 3 BreKay2013 is Single in Independence, Missouri, 4 BreKay2013 is Single in Independence, Missouri, 5 BreKay2013 is Single in Independence, Missouri, 6 BreKay2013 is Single in Independence, Missouri, 7 BreKay2013 is Single in Independence, Missouri, 8
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
Baptist Church
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but they're grown
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
Specialty/Trade School
My Profession
Disability, last job Quality Control Sr Software Analyst for a Pharmacy Benefit Management company.
KJV Bible study, anything nature, fishing, gardening, waterfalls, travel, cooking, dinner & a clean movie out or in.
About Me
I am a reborn Baptist King James Bible believing Christian looking for a God fearing equally yoked man that is in the word. IF WE DON'T HAVE THIS IN COMMON we are not a match.

I rarely drink alcohol, once or twice a year. Easily something to not do if we hit it off & you would rather I not. I can compromise. 😉

There must be a physical attraction but his heart and soul is the final catch. 🥰

I'm honest, loyal & trustworthy. A compassionate caregiver & teacher by nature. I enjoy serving in the church and community. Last church I taught Sunday School. On the other side to that I'm very playful with a great sense of humor. Always cutting up, or humming. I can usually find the good in every situation & person. Very empathic. My glass is always half full! An optimist. I choose not to be around rude, self centered or negative pessimistic people.

I'm also not afraid to get dirty. I love the outdoors; gardening, landscaping, fishing, hiking to a beautiful waterfall, everything nature. I'm always up for day trips to wherever the road leads us or a great planned getaway. Love the mountains, forests & oceans. Enjoy flea markets, thrift stores & antique shops.

I love learning new things! Like to study the bible, read books, puzzles, board & card games. I'm very creative in sewing, crafts, painting & projects. Even remodeled & flipped a house. Lol.

I like a good conversation or snuggling on the sofa with a good movie. With the right person it doesn't matter what I'm doing.

I enjoying cooking together, creating new recipes, BBQs & picnics. Of course I enjoy a man cooking for me 😉

Fall brings football, go CHIEF'S! It is not my god, church attendance and my service is first. I enjoy going to the grandchildren's sporting events too. Cooler weather means more road trips to view Fall colors! A fire & star gazing. I find the dancing flames mesmerizing!

I was married 20 years. Been divorced since 2001. I have 3 adult children, 5 grandchildren & welcome yours!

Best of luck in your search!
First Date
The first date should be in a public place where we can get acquainted. Too many places fit this setting so surprise me :)
Account Settings (To message BreKay2013 you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 47 to 63.
Must not Smoke.
Appears on 5 members favorites lists

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