KneedSpirit is Single in columbia, South Carolina


Mind Body and Whole Spirit,

Male | 50
United States
South Carolina
Last Login Date
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KneedSpirit is Single in columbia, South Carolina, 1 KneedSpirit is Single in columbia, South Carolina, 2
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
African American
Looking For
A Long Term Relationship
Church Name
International Free Methodist
Church Attendance
Several times a year
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
writing,bowling, music,outside, art,parks,movies,sports,worship,
About Me
Faithful True and Interesting...
Its not just title to this
A man lifted from an abyss
I was one of those whom Jesus feed fish
Immaculate bread of life Roses and Pearls
A woman shall not share my cross
I'm saved from world
About me I'm a Poet on weekend
In tuned with so change season
As I look at Artwork of Jesus bleeding
Makes me know Marriage and Honesty are strong foundations to believe in
I believe in you
I believe in you too
Talk to him and he will see us through
About me Poetry.

New one...
Thank you so much!!!! I pray when I'm bein moody...using prayer to conquer seasonal depression and anytime mercury goes in retrograde lol...but when all that moody downtime fades
rewards me with some words to convey
Because they are of him I put them on display
Sometimes riddles can be bad
Some will drive you mad
But one thing I learned from Jesus is that you must keep praising his Dad...
Thank you Jesus Thank you
Amen ..

Psalm 110 please read

An awesome enigma, within this flightless structure
Holy Spirit lifts me,
No clouds
I see God, mother's, father's, sister, brothers,
Wow what an exciting, enlightening, joyful instrument,
I always said, when I was young, I should have never practiced

Glorious inheritance
So I repented..

Joy and faith, I remember I would meditate between cars
On the Subway
Walk ina room full of kids
As they played , I would vibe
Now kids look in my eye
Don't worry cause to die
Is to gain, more ,with what you describe
Life, Joy and Faith
Christ in those eyes.

1/20/2024 "away, A way" Song inspired from conversation
Written and published by (me) KHH KaRoc DeLi

You're done with me, that is sad for me [here comes the chorus] just sing what you said, Marga sings: "Say anything you want now, I'm done with what you think" sing it!!!!! As tears whisper to my face, I know one life confirmed , 2 gathered in faith. Nothing couldn't remove your soul taste, what it takes, will remain in grace...But you say!!! You don't want me...good day, away away away, I shall remain above, In the most high grace, away a way a way...good night
First Date
Talk and Chat, Pray, Relate,Cook,Enjoy a movie or just clear mind, bowling, art galleries, riverwalk, or just decide. Love is love
Account Settings (To message KneedSpirit you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 35 to Any Age.

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