Kingseeker is Single in Gaston, South Carolina


Actually looking for a friend. One with potential, but a friend none the less. Simple. Drama free?

Female | 46
United States
South Carolina
Last Login Date
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Kingseeker is Single in Gaston, South Carolina, 1 Kingseeker is Single in Gaston, South Carolina, 2 Kingseeker is Single in Gaston, South Carolina, 3 Kingseeker is Single in Gaston, South Carolina, 4 Kingseeker is Single in Gaston, South Carolina, 5 Kingseeker is Single in Gaston, South Carolina, 6 Kingseeker is Single in Gaston, South Carolina, 7 Kingseeker is Single in Gaston, South Carolina, 8 Kingseeker is Single in Gaston, South Carolina, 9 Kingseeker is Single in Gaston, South Carolina, 10 Kingseeker is Single in Gaston, South Carolina, 11
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Mixed Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Don't have a home church
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
My Profession
Delivery Driver
Worship, deep connected fellowship, any opportunity for the Lord to minister to someone through me, singing, dancing (Absolutely!), playing, clouds, sunsets, the beach, storms, the wind, whippoorwills, nighttime outside, fires, coffee, black, grey, writin
About Me
* Most of my pictures r very very recent. One is showing how long my hair is now. I really like having long hair, so it stays!
* Also, I vape. I really enjoy vaping. If that bothers u, I understand & it's ok.
This whole thing is here just to allow u to see into me & who I am. A member once accused me of being full of myself based on my profile & told me to get over myself. I can understand someone not seeing my heart here & thinking that, but this whole page is just one huge open look into the core of me. I'm not prideful like that, but I do know that everything I am that is good is found n Christ & He lives n me. I am who He created me to b & I'm good with that. It's fulfilling to b who u were created to b & continue down that path with the One who IS Love! Anyway, I am just giving this a shot again. I don't even date & haven't n yrs. If I meet the man I should then great, I'm ok now of not. I guess we'll see.
(OMG! I'm NOT on here for sex! Get off me! So sorry. Had to just throw that out there! )

I had a spinal fusion on May 14, 2014. It helped me so much, but I still am not able to be as active as I desire to be. I can do a lot, but I hurt often. I can do almost anything I could before, but hurt more & need rest more. If you want to get to know me, I can explain further. I know in writing this, that some will not want to get to know me, but I feel the right man will catch a glimpse of my heart in my profile and will talk to me anyway. :) So, please read to catch that glimpse! :) The poem I wrote for my husband is at the bottom of my page. May it bless even those who read it and are not meant for me. :)

I'm a pursuer, however, I feel that in this area a man should initiate. Love to see manly, Godly, assertive men! I hope to know personally what courtship really is!

I want to start with some bands I like because music is so vital to me n every way! Love Disciple, Sleeping Giants, Decyfer Down, Jonah33, TFK, Sent By Ravens, Red, Seventh Day Slumber, For Today, Imagine Dragons, Phinehas, Ruelle, Kaleo, Shakey Graves, Ed Sheeran, MUCC, Final Surrender, 12 Stones, Toby Mac, Enter the Worship Circle, Jason Upton, Jesus Culture, Pillar, ah! Too many to list!! Some of these r very heavy bands that scream a lot, they r so n love with God & so passionate! It's freaking great!

I am a passionate, intense, connected daughter of the King.(Jesus) I am a mother and therefore have been a teacher. My life's meaning is to get to know Jesus more, deeper, and greater. That He would find me an open, willing vessel to work through, to love through, and quite simply to live in. Jesus is my goal and meaning. I am not perfect, but will continue to strive to be anyway. I am a worshiper. I love christian music with a passion. Jesus is not "part" of my life. All of my life is lived for the Lord, except what I fail in, and then He causes all things to work together for my good according to His purpose.

This is not required, but I would like to meet someone that plays an instrument, sings, or is at least a worshiper. Singer, drummer, guitarist, bassist. (Maybe? Not required) Someone who is very passionate about music or worship and the flow of the Holy Spirit. I would also really like to meet those involved in teaching, writing, and any type of arts, again, not required. I do NOT want to meet men who have flings or jump from gf to gf. If u would b happy with most marriages u see, we r not a good fit. I am not into sports, I do highly admire skateboarding so that's the exception ig. If u do not appreciate weirdness I doubt u'd like me. I'm weird & I'm aware of that. Idc I like being me, I appreciate uniqueness n tons of ways honestly. I do not want to meet religious men living by the traditions of man instead of by the Spirit of God. The word says as many that are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. I need a man that knows the voice of God, and hears Him in the quiet, not just in some excited moment. Someone who is able to be led by God personally and also for others. Not a churchy pray-er, but led by the Spirit, love, discernment, and wisdom. I love a man that is strong and confident in who he is in Christ, but CANNOT STAND arrogance. Someone who speaks the truth in love, sometimes with gentleness, sometimes with boldness. I am not looking for a perfect man. He may not even know how wonderful he is because he sees his short comings and failures. Please don't think I'm expecting perfect..

I am called to minister for the Lord in writing, teaching, and worship. I have not found my place n ministry yet, but I am open to the Lord to lead me where He wants me. The man for me believes in the entire bible; God still heals. He still baptizes in the Holy Spirit. He still gives spiritual gifts. He still calls us to cast out demons. He still desires that we be His hands, His mouth, quite simply, His present Body on earth.

I want to go white water rafting one day. I got slung from a giant slingshot in Myrtle Beach. (Similar to bungee jumping.) It rocked my world the 1st time!!! It was a lot less fun the 3rd time! Guess I need more to thrill me now. Would love to ride in a helicopter since I've never gotten to. Plan on trying hang gliding one day. I think sky diving and base jumping looks awesome, although I don't think I could do it.

I like to write, draw, listen to audio books, watch movies & shows especially fantasy & scifi, spend time with family/friends/God, and walk. I also like to feel, dance, and sing with various types of Christian music, and spend time with my grown kids. I need to worship. I cannot live without it. I want to write songs sometime. I have several poems I'd like for you to read. :)

I'm extremely loving and need that in return. I need to be seen, special, and precious to the one man that God has for me, and me for him. I also need to see him and be enraptured by him. I will find him special, unique, strong, and precious as well. He will find my heart his home, as I will his. I need deep connection & am seeking inward & complete oneness!

***ONE THING I KNOW is that Jesus wants to reign on the throne in the deepest, innermost place of your heart. If He doesn't reign there then Love doesn't reign there. If He doesn't reign there then self does. I am not perfect, but I am a fighter and I need a fighter. I need a man that not only can, but is WILLING to love from the depths of his heart. A man that chooses to be strong and brave, loving passionately and boldly, not a man that chooses to be insecure or dominating, passive, fearful, unwilling to love and afraid to fight. I want a MANifestation of Christ. I want Him to have arms to hold me through; lips to speak to me with, eyes to see me with, a chest to bring me protection...Come on! A heart to love me through! I want Him to live through me to love my man just as much! He says, "How can you say you love God whom you can't see if you don't love those that you can see?" Who else should we love more than the person that we should become one with?!! Please read the poem I wrote for my husband (below). Even though that's not all of you, I believe that the core of it is God's heart for all men.

I am a very deep and passionate woman. I know myself well and want to meet someone who also knows himself well. I also want to meet a leader at heart. A man with sincerity and depth. Are you passive? If so we aren't for each other. I am looking for a king's heart. I need a man that is not only able to connect deeply, but is good at it and desires it from others. Someone that pursues what is worth being pursued; That being truth, deep/real connection, and love to name a few. If you are satisfied "talking about the weather" on a regular basis, then we wouldn't even make good friends. I realize that I may sound too serious as if I don't enjoy playing and , but it's not so. I'm actually looking for someone that can make me laugh and loves to see me smile. It's just that a lot of men have got that down and have nothing else to offer. I need more and offer more, can't you see?

I would like to tell you enough about myself so that you could make a very informed decision about whether you want to get to know me or not. That is hard to do though, because I'm a very complex woman and there is a lot to get to know about me. So, I will leave the rest up to you and God. Peace to you.

** Additional** My hair is long, to my legs (nope I had it cut. It's only you my waist now). I'm a night owl. I love thrift stores. My least favorite features about myself are my stomach, my legs, and my teeth. I can't stand that some men find strength intimidating. I'm a Huge LOTR lover! No other movie will ever compare! Smallville was great! The Originals are one of my favs! Fantasy movies, tv shows, & books are my passion! Thick arms, chest, and lips, dark hair, and beautiful eyes are extremely attractive to me!!! My kids think I'm a fruit loop, but they really love me. I consider myself to be weird, strange, etc...and am proud of it! I want to travel and see God's beautiful creation one day. Hopefully see Italy before I die! Ireland? England? I wanna study and teach/disciple more. Like, most people know that they are supposed to love one another, but they don't know what/who love really is. I want to help people understand things like that. Wanna help them draw closer to their Father. Wanna help them have a real relationship with Him and not just try to become more religious or figure out a new formula. I REALLY want to share this with you my love! Where are you? I wanna worship with you! I wanna pray quietly, loud and passionately, war, and be still and listen with you. I wanna sing, dance, build, tear down, cry, laugh, live, sleep, everything..with you! I so hate being without you! I pray that the Lord, our Lord, will bless you with overwhelming joy, peace, strength, and wisdom. May He protect you and bring you to me quickly my love!
First Date
I have longed a lifetime, only for you.
I am steady watching, you are never in view.
Are you fighting and pressing near?
Break through walls, overcome all fear!
You are a king! A majestic man!
Full of honor and courage to stand.
Oh mighty warrior lead and fight!
Conquer the darkness with holy light!
Your heart is on fire my humble king!
Your hands how they war! Your mouth how it sings!
You're covered in blood, sinless and free.
Your enemies, they turn. They run and flee!
Your eyes are bright and clearly speak,
Of strength and victory from the Chirst you seek!
The Lion of Judah dwells in your chest!
He is your courage, your strength, your best!
His roar is wild! It's fearless and untamed!
It's felt and heard in your heart aflame!
Come and find me my love! Pursue me hard!
To all but you my king, my heart is barred!
I cannot bear a life without you my lord. Come with violence, and shield and sword!
Come with strong arms and be gentle and free.
Have all that I am! Without fear take me!
I long to move you like nothing ever could!
Like mountains uprooted and mysteries understood!
I need to know and be known by you.
To breathe as one and no longer two.
That our hearts would beat together with His,
Forever and ever as the Holy One lives!
I pray He delivers this love and desire,
Into the depths of your heart of fire.
Until we join by His great plan,
Live fully oh king, run hard strong man!
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Age between 33 to 53.
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