Author Thread: Considering to join the Military

Considering to join the Military
Posted : 11 Mar, 2012 05:51 PM

Hello, I hope all is well. First of all, I'd like to thank all of the brave men and women who fight for my freedom. I appreciate that more then words can say! Both of my grandfathers fought for the U. S. Army in WW II, and I have an uncle who also fought for the U. S. Army in Vietnam who earned a purple heart. I have always been so proud of them. I have always admired their bravory and honor. I am currently attending my local community college and am planning to graduate with an Associates in General Studies od December 2012. Well lately I've been looking at four year universities to transfer to. Transferring seems like the reasonable thing to do. Its what my parents want me to do. But I can't stop thinking about the possibility of joining the military! I am a true beleiver in "signs" from God. Everything happens for a reason. Everytime I start to like a college, I'll walk by a army poster, or a navy brochure, etc. And I also had a dream one night about it. I really feel like this is something God wants me to do. I am usually a rough and tough tomb boy, who doesn't like to show her emotions or any sign of weakness. But I am just plain scared! It might be easier if I had a little support (from someone on earth). When I've talked to my family and friends, they don't think I'm serious. My parents flat out told me that I was too sensitive and I couldn't handle it. I don't know what I'm asking for exactly. I guess for advice, stories, any other information you wouldn't mind giving me. Thank you so much for taking time to read this. God Bless you all! And Good Sabbeth!

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Considering to join the Military
Posted : 16 Mar, 2012 05:48 AM

What would be your reason for joining?

Have you looked at the jobs they have? If so which ones interest you?

How long do you plan on staying in and what do you hope to accomplish?

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Considering to join the Military
Posted : 18 Mar, 2012 02:56 AM


The Military is not a �Social Club� that one joins for Fun and Adventure. If you go into it with the Right Frame of Mind�you can get a lot from it. It will be Tough and Demanding. You will be asked to get in the best shape (Physically and Mentally) that you have ever been. The Skills you will learn will be with you for the rest of your life. It will change you!

My suggestion is to go see a Recruiter and ask what is available (as far as training � what �Jobs� are available). Be careful there because they have quotas to fill in certain fields and they may try to lead you there. Think about what you�d like to do as a Job. Think about what you�d like to do for the Rest of your Life? Everything from Medical to Clerical to �Flying a Helicopter��to working on Computers and so on. Give it a lot of thought and a lot of Prayers.

You may end up making it your Career! Who knows�you may retire 30 years from now as General Cowchic! It�s all Dedication and Perseverance.

It will be Tough at first. It will not be Easy! But it will be Worth While. It all depends on you�if you feel you are Strong enough and Dedicated enough. May God�s Will be Done!

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Considering to join the Military
Posted : 18 Mar, 2012 06:05 AM

I know its not a social club. That is not the reason I want to join. Like I said in my initial post, the reason for joining is because I feel God is leading me towards it. And actually, I have talked to a recuiter. The other day I was driving down the road, going to meet a friend and I passed a recruiting office! So I just pulled in. See things like that keep happening to me! I had never been on that road before and didn't know that recruiting office was there. I was going to take another route, but my GPS said there was alot of traffic the other way (and this was on a Wednesday afternoon)! My goal is always to please God! And I just can't ignore all the signs around me. And for being strong enough, I was raised on a farm! My father had three daughters, and he doesn't believe in incompetent females. So I'm used to doing alot of heavy lifting, running after animals that get loose, and working in the hot sun all day in the summer. I know that's still probably not as hard as what I'll have to go through in the army. But I'm already at the weight I need to be for my height and weight. I know its going to be hard, but with God's help I can do anything! Thank you to all that took time to read and reply to my post. God Bless!

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Considering to join the Military
Posted : 23 Mar, 2012 03:40 AM

Keep in mind recruiters will just tell you whatever you want to hear in order to get you to sign up.

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Considering to join the Military
Posted : 13 May, 2012 05:50 AM

the first thing i hope You consider is,"Are You really ready to kill someone because someone else told You to ?"

then please consider the Gospel is a message of Peace and Love....

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Considering to join the Military
Posted : 15 May, 2012 08:39 PM

As a military retiree, I can say that I made a great decision to go through ROTC in college. I checked into it when I received a card in the mail about a possible scholarship...the Air Force paid for most of my college, and provided me with an adventurous career. I'm still reaping the benefits of that unexpected choice. You don't have to give up college to join the military...check out a ROTC program, there are 2 year programs for your junior and senior year. Upon graduation, you'll receive a commission and an opportunity for a career. You don't have to decide today if you will be a 'lifer'.

Keep praying about it. Talk to someone in ROTC before you go to a recruiter.

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Considering to join the Military
Posted : 7 Jun, 2012 09:28 PM

Hi everyone...

Jesus has my entire heart, mind and soul! He has blessed me with much. If you need a love gift to go on a mission, please write me. I will always have God in the number one spot in my life. I am happy and an encourager. Never the less, truths are sometimes hard to swallow. Please read with care. I want to cry after finding out how Bush lied about 911, and a guarantee you will too. Please watch the darn videos. I served for nothing but lies.

Avoiding truth -

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is condemnation before investigation" - Edmund Spencer

Before I say this, I was one of those I write about too at one time - not anymore.

Many laugh at people who know for a fact with first hand knowledge that alien life forms (UFO's) have visited earth, spoken of by several of our own astronauts, many highly respectable military personal, and goverment officials, not to mention people like you and me. Watch these people speak out risking their reputation without gain to themselves (Links below). Many believe that 911 was caused by terrorists and not those from our own goverment to start a war. Released classified Northwood documents prove our goverment conceives such plans. Yes Lord, they live in their little tiny world of make believe.

Most don't even know about building #7 and that building #7 of the trade center was pulled on 911 at 5:30pm. That means dropped with explosives, as the goverment said it was caused by the fire the terrorists started, and then recanted in the 911 commission report saying, "We don't know what caused Building 7 to collapse." Guess who was placed in charge of security of the trade towers shortly before 911 - Marvin Bush; President Bushes younger brother. Which by the way ordered an unprecidented shut down of the towers to "upgrade the security" just prior to their collapse - which means no security cameras. Really, I beg you to watch this footage. I know it is hard to take - remember, I was a supporter of Bush for many years like you.

Thousands of high level explosive experts, engineers, firefighters (present at the time) and physists spoke out about 911 and how the fires definitely could not have caused the collapse of the trade towers. It fell at a free fall speed (110 floors in less than 10 seconds - IMPOSSIBLE without explosives), which only could be caused by taking out all support beams as they do in demolition. Most would realize this if they researched just a bit. Watch the videos of exposives going off below the collapse as the building fell. Remember Kennedy? One man - one bullet - many hits??? Remember he wanted to get rid of the Federal Reserve...Eph 6:10-20 is sooooo it - know it. Eph 6:12 Eph 6:12 Eph 6:12.

I used to laugh and ridicule the 911 truthers. Heck, I even thought Bush was a good man and would defend what he said - not any more after learning what was not presented to the public. If you believe our goverment couldn't and wouldn't kill americans to start a war, think again and read the Northwood document from the Joint Chiefs outlining a senario to provoke a war and convince the American people we need a war by purposely sinking our own ships, pretending to hijack aircraft and then shooting them down, and much more; then blaming it on an enemy. Sound familiar? Please be responsible and watch these important videos, otherwise you may be lead into another deception. (this is presented by a highly regarded Christian theologion) here is even a better one with great details,

Remember too, people say not to watch youtube because of all the garbage on it, but it is the ONLY uncensered media source left and these videos are VERY reputable - see for yourself. is the Document, I uploaded the main part of the Northwood docs in my pictures. But see for yourself the originals in the link I provided.

I heard the links weren't allowing people to see?? Here are the titles. paste these into Youtubes search bar:


Disclosure Conference, National Press Club 27 Sept 2010

Trade Center: Take your choice... it is horrible - you will never be the same.

9/11: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

9-11 Mysteries [Full Length]

[Must Watch] Full The Painful Truth and lies behind 9/11 - A documentary you dont want to miss

Northwood Docs:

Thanks for ALL the support. I really appreciate it much.

As Jesus told Peter - live by the sword - die by the sword.

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Considering to join the Military
Posted : 12 Jun, 2013 02:52 AM

Peacenic, the bible also says there is a time for war. Yes, we are supposed to love our neighbors, but sometimes you have to defend yourself from them.

As far as advice to cowchic(as one currently serving in active duty overseas), here's some things to consider.

1. If you go in, make sure you enjoy the job you'll do. This has been covered already, but recruiters will try to fill the spots they need first, and if the job you want isn't one of them it can be difficult.

2. Keep in mind that if you get through all the entry training (basic training and job-specific after that) life doesn't get easy. Ever. You'll wake up very early and go to bed very late, every day. You'll also make close friends and some great memories.

3. This will vary as far as which branch you join, but if you haven't watched(at least the first half of)the movie Full Metal Jacket I recommend you do. The picture of basic training depicted there is not as far from the truth as most would believe. And it should stay that way.

Hope this helps.

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