Author Thread: Why Do Many Movie Stars Turn Hard Left Politically

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Why Do Many Movie Stars Turn Hard Left Politically
Posted : 12 Mar, 2020 07:31 PM

Ever wonder why so many movie stars support abortion and all other anti-God sins?

I guess one reason might include the possibly movie producers are more inclined to hire those with similar values. Secondly, if a future movie star wants fame and fortune more than the approval of God, he/she might tend to compromise with conscience by accepting characters that simply promote the love of sin without regret or guilt.

So once he/she learns to compromise in such ways he/she must then construct a philosophical construct to justify such compromise!!

Obviously one thing leads to another and before we know it we find ourselves promoting left wing ideology and God hating values or we just become hypocritical “Christians”

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Why Do Many Movie Stars Turn Hard Left Politically
Posted : 16 Mar, 2020 04:04 PM

Hollywood is the devil's play ground. He has do many people who care about money and don't care how they make it. What ever movie they can play in usually they will to get their start.

Sad, many go for the love of money, it's the Root of evil.

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Why Do Many Movie Stars Turn Hard Left Politically
Posted : 16 Mar, 2020 04:07 PM

Millions of people are Libral have low or no morals and don't care about what God wants us to do.

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Why Do Many Movie Stars Turn Hard Left Politically
Posted : 24 Mar, 2020 12:33 AM

I know why they support abortion its part of a satanic ritual all abortion clinics are built on ritualistic grounds and the remains of the babies are untold where they go the Hollywood people drink the blood of babies as an anti aging serum and so do elite powered positions.. nothing is ever talked about on the news with out an agenda and why its pushed by the media and they claim athiesm but its a cover up for what they really are satanic

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Why Do Many Movie Stars Turn Hard Left Politically
Posted : 4 Apr, 2020 07:19 PM

Sadly child sacrifice has been a vigilantly guarded doctrinal staple of pagan religious zealots since the world began. They will defend their right to kill and sacrifice their own babies literally to the death.

Even now, they wouldn’t think of giving up their right to sacrifice their children even in the event of a crisis. In my state, they got the ACLU to defend their child sacrifice even in the mist of a shortage of medical supplies desperately needed for medical professionals fighting the coronavirus pandemic

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