Author Thread: And so this is Christmas

And so this is Christmas
Posted : 21 Dec, 2009 02:38 PM

Sorry to borrow that little line from John Lennon but it just popped right into my head and there I was, typing it out.

I struggle often at Christmas. I guess it's a culmination of things, between being the time of the year with the lowest light levels, it's usually freezing cold and all the hype on TV about this celebration of selfishness and consumerism. Quite far removed from a celebration of the birth of Jesus really.

When you consider that Jesus came into the world to live a perfect sinless life and then be crucified in His early thirties to save human beings from the consequences of sin, Christmass should be a celebration of God's greatest gift to mankind, just as easter should be too. Yes I know the date is borrowed from the pagan winter solstace thing, but it did genuinely become a time when we are supposed to thank God for sending His Son to us in human form as little baby.

Perhaps that is why I feel so much spiritual attack at this time of year. A time of the year which should be literally full of light and joy in the Lord would seem to be a time when the evil one would want to make it as miserable as possible.

None of the above was meant to put a downer on anyone, but I wonder just how many other people feel the same way about Christmas. I wonder just how many people endure the most unimaginable pain of loneliness and isolation. I remember hearing statistics which revealed that this time of the year has the highest rate of suicide in western countries. That is a serious situation. It reveals tremendous brokeness and sorrow. This should not be.

I guess I wrote this because my feelings were gravitating down that road, not to suicide but the pain is similar.

I'd like to to encourage anyone who feels that way to ride this period out and to trust God to get you through it. In just a few weeks the days will get longer and warmer and the smell of spring will fill the air soon after that. So hang on in there. Forgive people for being so preoccupied with all the Christmas rush that they can't see you or what you are going through. This too shall pass.

This is a prayer for anyone reading this who has any empathy with it.

Almighty God, Thank You that You are the God of all comfort and that Your love is so great that mere words cannot describe it adaquately. Father, bless the person reading this, meet them now, right now Lord, where they are and pour out Your Holy spirit on them. Keep pouring out Your spirit on them Father, comfort them with Your tender love and mercy. Encourage this person Father, remind them that You do indeed love them and that You have not left them or foresaken them. Lift the cloak of despair Father, and give them garments of praise. May the light of Your glory fill them and may they also be filled with the glorious and inexpressible joy which Peter speaks of in Your word. I pray for a hedge of thorns of protection around all who are suffering at this time, I pray Father that You thwart all of the schemes of the evil one to harm and cause distress to people at this time of year. I pray Father that You bind all evil spirits which would seek to bring the desires of the evil one about, and I pray Father that You take those evil spirits and throw them into the place which Jesus has appointed for them. I pray heavenly Father for Your light to more than make up for the darkness which the evil one has sought to spread around. I pray Father that You cause this Christmas time to be nothing but joy to whoever is reading this. Indeed Lord, for all who struggle at this time of year.

Give strength and courage to the weary Father. May Your goodness and the sure hope, the certainty of Jesus and all He is and all He came to accomplish, abound in the hearts and minds of all people at this time of year. Be glorified in this Father as we pray in and through the wonderful name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

The darkest hour is just before dawn. Though sorrow may endure for a night, joy comes in the morning.

Be blessed in Christ Jesus

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And so this is Christmas
Posted : 22 Dec, 2009 04:05 PM

Brother Faithful ---

God bless you. I think I can understand much of how you feel. But Christmas time isn't a problem for me. I suppose it's due, in large part, because I'm one of those people who "regard all days the same" (cf. Romans 14:5). You see, I think about the Incarnation every single day, year round. The same goes with Easter -- the resurrection of the Lord is in my mind and heart daily.

As to 'negative' stuff associated with winter time and Christmas -- I know it's 'there' -- but choose not to focus on it. E.g., in the face of commercialism, I focus on the fact that even unbelievers sing and enjoy Christmas carols. As to Christmas having affinities to pagan festivals; I've learned in Church History that it was decided that any existing holidays be 'Christianized'. Thus, though we don't know the date/day Jesus was born; we celebrate His birth in winter, and in the place of Samhian (the Celtic winter solstice). I have a primarily Celtic ancestry and praise God I'm not worship trees! (Now, I realize people have different views on this and Christmas trees...I'm just saying). I don't know if it may be of help to you but, perhaps you could consider Romans 14:5 and make applications for Christmas time (?). Btw, I always have a kind of mini-Christmas every July 25th...not sure why, I just do! Take care, Bro.

Merry Incarnation!!!!!:yay:

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And so this is Christmas
Posted : 22 Dec, 2009 04:09 PM

I mis-spelled "Samhain"...and Happy Resurrection Day!!! (every single day)!

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And so this is Christmas
Posted : 22 Dec, 2009 04:15 PM

Ooops JUNE 25th, July 25th, March 3rd, Oct 9th --- you name it! -- and & every day are Incarnation Day and Rez Day to me!!!!

Jesus Reigns!!!


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And so this is Christmas
Posted : 9 Feb, 2010 12:26 PM

this is my thoughts about christmas based on this scripture...

Jer 10:1 � Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:

Jer 10:2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

Jer 10:3 For the customs of the people [are] vain: for [one] cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.

Jer 10:4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

Jer 10:5 They [are] upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also [is it] in them to do good.

i don't celebrate it period because it is a pagan holiday and has nothing to do with Messiah Yahshua.

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And so this is Christmas
Posted : 9 Feb, 2010 01:12 PM

I have absolutely no problem with Christmas and celebrating it. You have to think about what it means to you...Yes, it originates from false religions but how many people, non-christian, even know that?!?!? Also, if you and your family make it a point to focus on Christ birth at that time and you share that with others, what is wrong about that? My family gives presents at Christmas to show each other how much we love and think of them. Yes its materialistic but we know the underlying issue. We also sing happy birthday to Christ (yes I know its not the official date) but it helps to "bring it back in". We love the gathering with the family and sharing our love for one another in this day that while may have some questionable beginnings has become a huge day of the world being forced to remember that Christ was born.....

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