Author Thread: Should I just let this flow naturally

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Should I just let this flow naturally
Posted : 18 Jul, 2021 01:29 AM

I frequently shop at this private owned market and different guys have helped me with my order different times but lately when I've gone in, I always get this one guy who helps me out. I believe he is Middle Eastern, he is very attractive, and I notice he stares into my eyes heavily when we speak to each other. One day, I was trying to be really friendly and was giving a slight smile to everything he was asking me but not in a weird way.

I noticed that day, he started staring at me from afar when I was being rung up and when I went to my car, he gave one glance at me as he was getting supplies from the back. I went again to the store and I noticed he stood right in front of me while he was helping someone out.

Lately, I haven't been getting him like usual but I notice intense eye contact from him everytime I go into the store now but I never look over unless he is helping me because I feel like I'll look strange just staring back. I'm 28 but I don't know how old he is, maybe in his 30's, mid 30's latest.

I don't want to be seen as creepy or anything, I'm just trying to be friendly. I feel like it is love at first sight or something. I would say I have a strong attraction to him but don't know him or how to break his shell. He is very serious.

I am not sure in which way he likes me, if it is in a short-term or dating way. He has never gotten on a personal level with me at all. My question is, should I just kind of wait to see if he speaks to me or stare over when he stares?

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Should I just let this flow naturally
Posted : 17 Sep, 2021 08:56 PM

Do what comes naturally.

Stare back at him, then approach and converse. Mention that you're looking for some fun outdoor activities to do on the weekend 'cause your friends haven't gotten in touch with you (because you never asked them to hang with you on the weekend anyways) and that you're wondering if he had any suggestions ;)

Then...just go with the flow and make sure things are arranged in such a way that he knows its a "getting to know you" kind of thing, not a "let's shake and bake" kind of thing

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Should I just let this flow naturally
Posted : 7 Nov, 2021 07:00 AM

Hi HazelEyesSparkle,

Here's my 2 cents :) - I agree with most of what everyone else said. The first and most important question is if he's a Christian. If he is indeed from another culture, the way women are treated in that culture may be different than the way women in the US are treated. One of the women in my family once dated an Islamic guy and his whole family was Islamic and he wanted to marry her and since she's a Christian, I asked if she was planning to convert to Islam if they married and she said no so decided to end the relationship. Some good questions could be where he's from and if he's Islamic and just do some basic investigation - these days google can be a good tool to use to find out some things, criminal record, etc. Having a different faith outside of Christianity should be a "deal breaker" because we see serious conflict in countries all over the world between those who don't follow the Lord Jesus and those who do and I don't think anyone wants a marriage with that kind of conflict. Also a big point like others have said is if he's married or in another relationship. There are "fatal attractions" that can lead to very horrible experiences. Like the Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 6:14, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?" I remember a conversation I had with Christian brothers and we came to to the conclusion that some things necessary for a successful relationship are common faith "Christianity", inner attraction (attraction to personality leading to friendship), outward attraction. We said that it had to be a healthy balance of those and I'm sure other qualities. If is all outward without the others, that can cause serious problems long term - if something happens to cause that person to not be able to maintain that outward appearance, will the relationship end? It should not if that inner attraction and faith were also there. I pray that the Lord blesses you to find that right person for you.

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Should I just let this flow naturally
Posted : 2 Apr, 2023 07:22 PM

You should be assertive, but because he is middle eastern, you should find out what religion he is. If Christ is important to you, then it is important what kind of religion he is.

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