SweetGeek is Single in Bergenfield, New Jersey


Male | 55
United States
New Jersey
Last Login Date
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SweetGeek is Single in Bergenfield, New Jersey, 1 SweetGeek is Single in Bergenfield, New Jersey, 2 SweetGeek is Single in Bergenfield, New Jersey, 3 SweetGeek is Single in Bergenfield, New Jersey, 4 SweetGeek is Single in Bergenfield, New Jersey, 5 SweetGeek is Single in Bergenfield, New Jersey, 6
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Looking For
A Friend
Church Name
Hawthorne Gospel Church
Church Attendance
No answer
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Want Children
Education Level
4 Yr College Degree
My Profession
computers, music, reading, sci-fi, cooking, baking, gardening
About Me
Since CDFF doesn't allow for captioning of photographs, I'll do so here.

1) Me w/ my cousin Starla around 2005; we had been at the pool so our hair is a mess!
2) Me on 1/31/2012.
3) Me w. Starla again in 2010.
4) Me w/ my cousins Robyn (left) and Emmy (the baby in my arms).
5) Me w/ two of the women from the online bible study I used to lead (taken 11/13/2011)
6) All the living descendants (with spouses) of my paternal grandparents. I'm in the middle in the back and my parents are on the far left.

By the way, when I am logged in from my iPhone, I can't receive instant messages, so if you try to IM me and I don't reply, that is most likely the reason.

Physical attraction, while certainly not everything, is most definitely something. I think neither having only physical attraction nor having everything but physical attraction would work in a relationship. So I view attraction as a starting point, a matter of "I like your looks, now what else do you have to offer?" That being said, if you don't have a picture in your profile (not to be cold, but) I'm not interested and won't respond.

On a related note. I'm open to dating any race or ethnicity. I think there are beautiful, interesting women of all races. It does have to be recognized, though, that race and ethnicity factor into culture and cultural differences factor into compatibility.

My Christian faith is very important to me and central in my life. I am a member of Hawthorne Gospel Church. I was formerly the leader of an online "Life Group" (small group bible study) at another church. Except for myself and one other male who only attended one meeting, my life group was all women. While I wouldn't have gone looking to lead a life group exclusively comprised of women, being that I'm the "sensitive guy" type, it fits. Even though one of them was older than me, I called the women in my life group my "little sisters." I definitely thought of them in a big-brotherly, protective, nurturing way.

I have some doctrinal differences with Catholics, members of Iglesia ni Cristo, Seventh Day Adventists and those of Pentecostal/Charismatic type denominations (I'm not hatin', just disagreein'). While I would be (and am) friends with people from such denominations, I wouldn't date or marry one. I believe that agreement on certain aspects of doctrine are essential for the building of a marriage and family.

I absolutely adore babies and little kids. The easiest way to get me to smile is to show me a baby. Not having kids of my own and being an only child, I don't have many kids in my life. I am, however close to my father's side of the family and quite adore my cousin's kids.

I'd like to relate some ways in which I've been described. I've been called a skinny guy with a big fat heart. I've been called witty and charming. I've been told I have a sexy voice. People often say that I look 5 to 10 years younger than I am. Some people who have known me for a long time say look the same as I did twenty years ago, although the gray hairs in my beard would beg to differ. :-)

On somewhat rare occasions, I write poetry. The following is a poem I wrote regarding the end of a relationship, mourning the death of what the relationship might have been:


What is this which passes between us?
A momentary flash of the brilliance of possibility
that fades away
like lightning soaking into the sky
as rain soaks into the ground
and is gone.
First Date
Something that would allow for a lot of conversation so we could get to know each other.
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Account Settings (To message SweetGeek you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 25 to 48.
Must not Smoke.
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