KimberEva is Single in Ottawa, Ontario


I’m a PK (Pastor’s Kid, both my parents were ministers

Female | 56
Last Login Date
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KimberEva is Single in Ottawa, Ontario, 1 KimberEva is Single in Ottawa, Ontario, 2
Eye Color
Body Type
Well Proportioned
Hair Color
Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Free Methodist
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Sure, why not
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
2 Yr College Degree
My Profession
Worked as a Health Care Aide in a nursing home until
Baking, Cooking, Singing, Playing piano, Fishing,Boating,Hiking,Photography,Reading, Live Theatre, Concerts, Travel,Coffee/Lunch Dates with Friends,Camping, Journalling
About Me
The biggest desire of my heart was always to be a Wife and Mom, partly because I had such an amazing role model in my Mom and partly because I’m a nurturer by nature and always felt that’s what God created me to be! Unfortunately my first marriage ended in divorce (not my choice) and there were no children! I spent quite a few years after that single and just trying to heal and work on myself so that if I was blessed to find another spouse some day I would be bringing a healed version of myself into that partnership! I was engaged to be married six years ago and just shortly before we were to marry my fiancé died suddenly of an aneurysm so I have been single since then! I have been praying for a good Christian man who has a solid relationship with the Lord to come into my life and for me it’s not about a physical checklist of physical characteristics such as looks as it is about finding someone who is truly living a Christian life and who will serve God with me! Things that are important to me along with faith are intelligence, a great sense of humour, someone who is kind, gentle, who was raised well and is respectful not only to women but to family and friends and people in general! I am a huge nature lover and always feel even closer to God out in nature so someone who also loves and appreciates nature like I do would be very attractive to me!
First Date
I’m a huge lover of nature so a picnic is something that I find appealing or a coffee or tea date in a nice coffee shop is also something that appeals to me! Unless I’ve been conversing with someone for awhile in texts and phone calls and feel really comfortable with them I am not a fan of a dinner date! (Been on a couple blind dates where the conversation just didn’t flow so the dinner dates for me were a little awkward to me). Autumn is my favourite season so a walk or drive to see the Autumn Colours with a coffee or tea in hand is a great way to spend some time chatting and getting to know someone as well although again unless we’d been conversing for awhile I’m not sure I’d be comfortable just getting in a vehicle with someone!
Account Settings (To message KimberEva you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 45 to 60.
Must not Smoke.
Appears on 1 members favorites lists

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