Andrew_CL is Single in Canyon Lake, Texas


Seeking a wonderful and loving woman

Male | 61
United States
Canyon Lake
Last Login Date
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Andrew_CL is Single in Canyon Lake, Texas, 1 Andrew_CL is Single in Canyon Lake, Texas, 2
Eye Color
Body Type
Hair Color
Salt n Pepper
Looking For
Church Name
Christ is King
Church Attendance
On special occasion
Church Raised In
No answer
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
Possibly, who knows
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Yes but not living at home
Do you want children?
Does Not Want Children
Education Level
Specialty/Trade School
My Profession
Semi Retired
Study, coversation, cooking , building, health, ...
About Me
l'm easy going, and I keep myself busy. I enjoy life as I can. Life is just too short now to be missed. Join me, you're invited. I am a happy person to the core. I don't have to go anywhere special to enjoy life. Who you are with is far more important than where you are. That comes from an appreciation of life. Gratitude towards our Creator for many undeserved kindnesses, and the sacrifice of his son is key. Love comes from within. Give and receive. Forgive and forget. Love one another as I have loved you is the commandment of our saviour, and understanding comes with granted wisdom and spirit.
I am intelligent and creative. I am Inquisitive , and reasoning. I am caring and empathetic. Intimate, and a pleasure to be with. Loyal and respectful. I enjoy deep conversations. I am humorous whenever possible. I can laugh at almost anything. My photos are recent. Here at home , I am a builder. Not just out of necessity . I enjoy it. is my art and my craft. I'm very open to meeting a woman with a heart of gold, and filled with God's love. Chemistry and attraction is important to me just as it is to you. What you do for money is not necessarily a deal breaker or impressive to me. Intelligence and character matters.Everyone has to eat. Live to make money, or make money to live? Our time and our health in this life are our greatest personal assets. Abundance in either must be appreciated. What level of formal education you have does not matter to me. If you have more than me, or less than me. It's okay. We will learn from each other. As a tradesman , I learned from others that were better than me. Even after I was certified as a master technician . I learned how to build a house when I was building a house... by reading and paying attention to how and what other experienced tradesmen do. Can we find an appreciation for one another? That is what really matters for the long term. I cook , and I like good food. I can make my own wine. Occasionally I'll even drink some if it comes out good. I can go to any restaurant and try almost anything.
I'm into natural healing and health maintenance. I passed on the shots out of necessity, I'm reactive. I worked 60-90 hrs a week all through the plandemic and I did not get the Wuhan flu , or any other lab created illness. Not even a cold or sore throat. Contaminated food is still a challenge to me. I'm working on it.
If you like to ride ( MC) I have one , Like massage chairs, and like hot tubs that's a plus. I have them here too. They are great therapy. That's a few things in common. There's always more to discover.
If the love and affection that you are missing in your life, hasn't found you yet...Start by taking off the mask, and show your beautiful natural smile. Maybe you are just texting too much. Have a conversation with me. Look me in the eyes and say what you will. Make it happen. Make it real. I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Be blessed, so many good things are coming our way!
First Date
I would like to meet at a public place. Have a coffee, and have a meal together and get to know each other face to face. From that point , we can go from there.
Account Settings (To message Andrew_CL you must meet the following criteria.)

Age between 48 to 63.
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