Author Thread: Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?

Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 30 Dec, 2008 11:33 PM

I know in society men are supposed to be the dominent ones but still sometimes I wish if a woman was interested she'd let me know.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 14 Sep, 2009 04:09 PM

I think that just because someone veiws my profile doesn't necessarily mean she's interested. We all surf around this site checking eachother out. I veiw a lot of profiles,some I'm interested in and some I don't think we would make a good match...but I do think that if someone takes the time to send you an email, I believe we should be respectful and at least answer them whether we are interested or not... to me receiving an email is like passing a stranger on the street and them saying hello, would you just ignore them? As a child of god I don't think we would... besides how hard is it to push the little red button that says I don't think we make a good match.. God bless..

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 1 Oct, 2009 08:54 PM

Well, I have found when I write - and maybe I'm selecting the wrong guys and God is protecting me - well, they don't respond. Whatya do?

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 3 Oct, 2009 05:12 AM

I do appreciate it when someone takes the time and sends a message but i think responding back to them saying : im sorry , i dont think we are a good match can hurt some sensitive people more than not responding at all , this is why i choose not to respond to guys im not interested in, because if i ever got that kind of message , this would be kinda hurtful , i do mention in my profile that if i never responded back they shouldnt take it personal , they will get the hint i think .

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 3 Oct, 2009 07:20 AM

Well I usually send a wink first if she winks back I'll write to her. its simole lets see if we really have anything in common then truly decide if we have interest. :angel:

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 3 Oct, 2009 06:12 PM

If someone is that sensitive, cutedali, then they probably shouldn't be on a dating site in the first place. If someone can't handle a VERY POLITE I don't think we make a good match, then they have some serious emotional issues that need to be addressed before they could ever consider being in a relationship with someone. If I'm honest with someone and they react in an unhealthy manner, than that would more than confirm what I felt in the first place... :dancingp::boxing::angel:

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 4 Oct, 2009 11:26 AM

My impression is that some members set their profile to "Allow a member to see that I viewed their profile" and that viewing a profile indicates their interest. However, if a woman views my profile and do not contact me I will assume that she decided that she is not interested.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 15 Oct, 2009 02:51 AM

im quit the opposite personally i been looking for a woman thats not afraid to make the first move id rather have a wife that is willing to speak her mind instead of having a woman thats to meek to be able to even drag a opinion out of her

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 23 Nov, 2009 09:43 PM

I agree with Sunny G. I WILL write to a guy first but I often don't get a response, not even a polite, "not interested". It gets old and then I remember that God calls ME to be persued, He calls me to be submissive. I honestly struggle with this topic. But much like Sunny said, if I am interested I will give you a "wink", write back if you want to, if you don't I can take a hint.

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 3 Dec, 2009 02:36 PM

I completely agree with cutedali, although I always feel like a criminal when I don't reply.

I think the one major downside of dating sites such as this is that letting someone down, or disappointing them, is inevitable sooner or later. I generally don't reply to anyone I don't think I could be interested in in 'that' way, as I don't think it's fair to string someone along. Still, it never feels nice at the time, especially if I get a follow-up 'did you get my wink?' message :(

I really do wish them well, and sincerely hope they find the love they're looking for - it just won't be with me

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Why do women on here not usually write the guy first?
Posted : 3 Jan, 2010 02:27 PM

I 100% agree with you and that's exactly what I have on my page. I usually find that if you say anything to a guy on here first, even if you're not interested 99% of them will not respond. True stats!!

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